Archer P.O.V. Three

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Edit: These chapters are NOT proofread. And most likely won't. They're just for fun, so readers can see what goes through Archers mind!

I've been avoiding Paisley since the entire milkshake mishap. It's just ever since the night while I watched her scarf down her burger and fries, I can't get her out my head. Not only because of how fast she ate but cause of how happy she looked.

Once that food was in front of Paisley she snatched it up. No Omega has ever done that with me, especially around an Alpha they just met. Omegas are usually conservative and introverted. Paisley is the exact opposite!

After dropping her off back home I have yet to make contact with her. Mainly because she's a psychotic young woman who I may or may not be frightened of. I mean how can you not? Anytime I'm around Paz bad things tend to happen.

It's not her I'm wary of, it's the crazy occurrences that follow her. Take our first meeting for example, I got beat with a cane over a parking spot. Then Izzy, her military bred Shepherd, almost mauled me to death. In which Paisley literally landed on me, like out of some cliche hentai.

Throughout out all of this I have tried to remain distant, but somehow I keep on coming back. Even after she's pinched my ear and getting punched I keep coming back to Paisley.

It's also odd that she lives alone with her dog. Paz should be alone in tat big house next door, clearly she's not responsible enough. Even with that hulking Alpha that follows her around. I know it's hypocritical for me to be saying this, but an Alpha and Omega having a sleepover is just weird.

That Hank guy is over at her house twenty-four seven. And when he's not there Paisley is gone somewhere else. I'll admit I might be keeping an eye on my young neighbor, it's only out of the sense of responsibility I feel as an Alpha. The need to protect is strong when I'm around her.

I want to talk to her. I want to go the short walk across the lawn and knock on her door. Just to check in and see how everything is.

But I didn't. I ignored her presence and avoided her like the plague. When I saw her outside walking Izzy in a sports bra and shorts that stretched over her thighs, my mouth watered and I growled possessively. It ticked me off when she would lounge around in her backyard and sunbathe, in only a stringy bikini and untie each knot to get full coverage. My instincts told me to go over there and hide her beautiful body from prying eyes. Her smooth skin shone as she applied sunscreen and I had to go for a run to exert excess energy.

So when I finally saw her at the Mall it shocked me. I was with my friends from college, we were headed to the movies, but the girls insisted on browsing the stores until our movie time arrived. In my group of five we all squeezed into the small confined space of the elevator. Leaned back against the wall, I happened to glance out the clear glass window.

While I'm staring out the window, not listening to a thing my friends are conversing about my eyes stop on a certain brunette. 'It's her'

I internally smile, but keep my face impassive as I stare at the lovely Omega on the ground level of the Mall. The reason I'm shocked is because once I got a better look at Paz, I noticed she's crying. A growl left me when I saw her tear stained cheeks. 'Why is she crying?'

I tell my friends that I'll catch them later once the movie starts. I wave them off when asked where I was going, they didn't need to know.

I stood in front of the weeping Omega. Paisley had yet to notice me, so I took another step forward. Once she noticed me her eyes widen slightly. Our eyes met and I have to force myself not to snarl. I really had to control myself better around her.

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