Be Strong. Be Wise. Be Independent

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Archer broke up with me.

My Alpha rejected me.

I'm truly alone now.

End of Recap

Empty. That's all I feel. Empty, broken, and lonely.

I have no one except Izzy, my dog. I can't call my mom over this heartbreak, and especially will never try phoning my dad. Hank is a no. Obviously we're still not on speaking terms.

It's an utter shock to me, that I've gone all four years of high school, without making more than one friend. Hank was my one and only. We were two peas in a pod. Now it's ruined.

Another wave of sadness washes over my sobbing form. Izzy has long since crept out the room, she's somewhere in the house probably in hiding. My alarm went off awhile ago but I've already established that school isn't going to happen.

I can't face him. Knowing that Archer will be at school. Most likely looking fresh, not even a hair out of place. I bet he's not phased about the breakup.

My head stuffs itself back under my pillow as sunlight begins to creep in through the window. My thoughts cloud over with memories. The times that Archer and I had fun.

The time when we went to the movies. Granted we drove an hour out of town just to see one crappy movie, but still, it was fun. Our little laughing fits while cooking breakfast together. The memory of Archer wrapping me up in his arms while kissing me with syrup covered lips flashes before my eyes.

"We were so happy." My voice comes out muffled from my pillow. More tears stream down my cheeks. I'm surprised I even have any left after last night.

Still crying, tiredness begins to weigh down my body. The only way to escape the pain is to sleep. So that's exactly what I do. I sleep to forget. I sleep so that I don't resort to other means of feeling better. Like a tub of Ben&Jerrys will do me any good at the moment.


"Come on Izzy. Go to the bathroom, it's cold!" My legs shake as the cold air brushes against my naked skin.

At present, Izzy is loitering around outside in the cold. She's sniffing trees near the edge of the woods. Most likely she's already emptied the tank now she just wants to get on my nerves.

"Isabelle! I'm going to leave you!" All Izzy does is sniff once in my direction before turning back to a bush. With a huff I storm back inside. "Fine!"

Flopping down on to the couch my fingers brush across the soft blanket now thrown over my legs. It's Thursday and I've currently missed two days of school. Why? Because I'm a wimp.

I refuse to go to a place that has more people who hate me than who like me. Does my phone ping with text messages? No. Has anyone called? The school has, but that was just to say I missed school. The normal automated voice.

Against all odds I am truly alone. Without anyone to criticize me, provide comfort, or anything! "Silence truly is deafening." I say to myself when the eerie quiet starts to make me even more frazzled.

Suddenly a wet nose presses against my uncovered thigh. "Hey Izzy." The Shepherd gracefully jumps onto the couch, settling herself down near my feet.

The two of us sit in silence. I know full well I need to get out of the house. Do something productive. I can't find it in me though.

The shrill ring of the doorbell almost knocks me off the couch. Izzy lifts her head, leaping off the side of the couch. She continues to ferociously bark at the door, meanwhile I sit still as a statue.

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