Secrets? What Secrets

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Blonde hair with streaks of blue falling from its perfect quaffed style, white shirt and Bermuda jean shorts disappearing around the corner. 

Shaking my head at his disappearing form I look down at Izzy. "Maybe it's a good thing you chased that meat truck." Izzy wags her tail while pawing at my leg. Giving her a scratch behind the ear I finish up the rest of the ice cream.

End of Recap:

"Remember class, your group projects are due Friday. I need a hard copy on my desk and the PowerPoint sent to me via email." Ms. Hook our English teacher shouts to the class right before the bell dings. With class dismissed for second period I set off at a slow pace, face glued to my phone.

All morning Archer has been texting me. It started with a good morning text and since then we've kept it up, even between class. I texted him what Ms. Hook had us doing in English and how my group members weren't that helpful at all. Mainly just normal everyday stuff for the two of us.

"Paisley!" Hearing someone call out my name I stop to look over my shoulder. Sprinting down the hallway is Hank. With a blank stare I turn right back around and continue on. "Paisley!"

Strong arms wrap around my shoulders before I'm spun around to face a huffing Alpha. "Hank." my phone clicks off as I slip it into the pocket of my hoodie. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

He glares down at me, a small snarl lifting up the corner of his mouth. "Really? That's how you greet me after we haven't talked in almost a week." he grips my shoulders tighter, "Where have you been?"

Lifting a brow I shrug him off, "I've been here. Where have you been, Hank, I haven't seen you at all." He frowns before shaking his head.

"You're so stupid it hurts." He wraps an arm around my shoulder as we head to Art class.

With my arm around his waist we walk in peaceful silence. "You been with Archer?" he asks while we round the corner, the brightly colored door leading to the art class, shining before us.

Shrugging slightly I lean against Hank, "Yeah. We went on a date to the aquarium."

Hank pauses at the sadness floating in my voice, "What happened?"

Now in class we take our seats at the back of the room, next to the long tables. Backpacks set aside in the corner, away from the class materials. "Well it was going great, you know we're never able to go out cause of our relationship." Hanks nods for me to continue, "All was going well before we ran into some classmates. I had to hide behind a pillar while a bunch of Juniors fangirled over Archer."

The memory is still fresh in my mind, causing my cheeks to heat up in anger. Pheromones evenly matching my mood as my anger begins to boil. "Then we ran into Miss Hook. She just had to butt in while Archer and I were in the butterfly exhibit."

With a small growl I grip the wooden pencil in my hand a little too tightly. It snaps in my grasp, bits of splinters stabbing into the soft skin of my hand. "Archer shoved me into a bush."

Hank lifts a brow, "I don't know what's so bad about a bush when I've pushed you into several." he chuckles while patting me on the back, "Heck! You pushed me into a rose bush, we spent hours picking out thorns."

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