One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Giving one final spin I drop down to the floor quickly and bounce back up. My butt giving a nice pop and jiggle. Flirtatiously I send a wink behind me. Then stop in horror as I see Archer only a few feet away from me with a smirk on his fine lips.


If asked what the worst thing to happen to me while it being only the second day of school, I would have to say being caught by a teacher dancing in the hallway. Said teacher being an Alpha that you may or may not have feelings for. Or that you just pop and locked in front of before twerking. Yup, it's only the second day.

Archer stands with his arms crossed over his toned chest. The smirk has dropped from his lips once I fully turned to face him. I can tell my cheeks are flushed by the way I can feel the heat in my face.

Once I turn around to face Archer, horror written plainly across my features after being caught. He just stands there and stares at me. Did he do anything, say anything? Nope. Just gazed at me with those navy blues.

My body warms from his penetrating gaze. Slowly I reach my hand into my pocket. Pressing pause on my phone, the loud music stops. Still not meeting his gaze I wrap my headphones around my cell phone and pocket it. Slowly becoming more nervous as the seconds tick by.

'Wonder if I calmly walk pass him will he do anything?' Only one way to find out! Gearing up to face Archer head on, he beats me to the punch.

"You look..." his words run dry as he gestures to the oversized clothes I wear.

A small smile lifts the corners of my mouth, "Yeah I spent the night at Hanks. Didn't bring a change of clothes." Archer nods in return.

The tense atmosphere returns with a fervor. It makes my skin crawl and inner Omega want to whine for an Alphas comfort. "You and Hank are dating?" This question causes me to look at Arch as if he's grown a second head. Did he really just ask that?

"No?" I say it as a question from how confused I am. Hank is gay. He likes guys more than he will ever like a girl. Everyone in the school knows that but some choose to ignore it. They have better things to gossip about than the giant Russian Alpha that likes guys.

Then it dawns on me, but Arch is already speaking. "So you just spend the night at an Alphas house, wear his clothes, and come to school smelling like him from head to toe." I don't know if it's just my sensitive hearing from how loud my music was playing, but I'm pretty sure Archer growled at the end of his sentence. He takes a step forward. "Paisley if you're just doing sex-"

I lift my hand to cut him off. Yup this has gone too far. It was funny and now it's not. "Okay woah! Archer you've got it all wrong." Archer still tries to speak up but I give a barely audible growl. His mouth snaps shut once he hears it. "One, Hank is gay and my best friend. Two, I spend the night at his house sometimes. It's called having a sleep over, you should try it. Three, I don't know why you're getting all uppity in my life when you have nothing to do with it." I finish off by spinning on my heel and walking the long way back to the cafeteria.

Leaving Arch to stand there with his hands in his pockets. Maybe now he'll think before speaking!


I missed the entirety of lunch. Only five minutes left in it so I just went ahead and waited outside the doors for Hank.

Sixth period is next and I really don't want to go to it. I just spat fire at Arch like ten seconds ago and now I have to face him. "Really smart Paisley, real smart."

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