What Are We Now?

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Curled up with my knees pressed to my chest I try to stop the tears from flowing. I've cried enough today.

I can just call the pharmacy and have them delivered tomorrow. They'll understand. Hopefully.
End of Recap

I've missed yet another day of school. Not because I'm sick or anything, no it's because the pharmacy has yet to fill my prescription. It's been two days since my encounter with Archer and I'm about to just go outside to face the world.

I need my suppressants and if going outside is how I need to obtain them, then so be it! My eyes glare at the date in my phone Wednesday, Sept. 19th. School has officially been active for a month.

And I'm missing out on it. Have I received a text from Hank? No. Not that I expected any type of communication from him. He probably wishes I was in a ditch somewhere by now.

Has Archer tried to contact me? Nope. Do I want to smack him with a broom and punch his handsome face? Yes I do.

Izzy lies next to me on the living room floor. The both of us practicing yoga. I read that it helps to relax you so that Omegas won't rush into Heat faster.

"Downward dog!" Straining slightly I attempt to get out of the octopus like tangle of limbs I had gotten myself into. Now in a more easier position I glance out of the corner of my eye at Izzy. She lays with her head down on her paws and her bitten in the air.

"You've got this down pat." Praising her for her good posture we hold that position for a moment then break.

My body slams down onto the pink yoga mat below me. Sweat sticks to my skin. Feeling gross I decide to shower and prepare lunch. Maybe by then I can call the pharmacy again and my order will be filled.


Steam flows out the door and down the hallway. The stiff towel scratches against my soft skin, wet hair toppling down my shoulders.

Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt later I walk down the stairs. Izzy yips from her spot at the foot of the staircase. "Okay. I'll let you out so hold on!"

Izzy races outside into the backyard. I have a knack for bad hangs happening if I decide to follow her out into the woods. But the longing to just breathe the fresh air and pump out all my frustrations is strong. Peering out over the patio at the house next door I can't see if Archers car is in his driveway or not.

With the way the houses are positioned next to each other it's very difficult to see. The only way to find out if he's home is if I walk around the side of the house. It's a clear view of the driveway. Instead of going super stalker on him, which I totally wasn't going to do. I decide to be smart and check the time.

The bright glowing number on the screen of my phone read 3:30P.M. School has been out for about an hour now. Fingers tapping to there own rhythm I begin to become a bit curious.

Should I go over and talk? Will he come to me? Is it too early to talk? "No no no. I can't even go over there. I'll go into Heat just by being within feet of him."

Walking back into the house with a sadden expression I don't realize the clear shadow in house next doors screened patio. The dark shape moves backwards into the house silently. Never once letting the poor Omega next-door know of there watchful gaze.

Pleasures of an Omega- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now