Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That

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Edited: 10/10/16 Entirely Half Way New

I wrap my arms around Hanks waist and tug him away from Archer. "Hey now, can't we just be friends?" I say sweetly but inside I'm screaming in panic.

"Is this a$$hole bothering you Paisley?" Hank asks not breaking eye contact with Archer. Both Alphas were giving off strong territorial scents that made my head spin, and not in the good way.

Before I can muster a reply Archer speaks. "As a matter of fact it is you, who is bothering her." Hank and I give a start at his assumption.

"I am?" Hank points to himself for confirmation. When he gives a nod I feel Hank tense even more and his arms twitch.

"Umm, maybe we should go inside and eat something, yeah?" I say tugging again on Hank, but they both ignore me.

"How am I bothering her, exactly?" Hank sarcastically replies

"Well for one you've been dong an annoying job of growling like an animal while you two, what do you call it, play is it? Yes I think that's the correct term for it. Also Paisley is an Omega and you shoved her to the ground multiple times while hitting her. She already has bruises forming, so in my defense it looks like you are more than bothering her."

'Wow he saw all that? Where the heck was he when I getting pelted with balloons earlier.'

"Well if you must know, Paisley and I were just play wrestling. If you had a normal childhood you would be able to discern that from actual fighting." Hank says in a growl.

Archer lets a small dangerously low rumble of a growl out "You should be mature and not hurt her. Use your brains instead of muscles, if you even have one in that big head of yours."

'It's official he wants to be killed.'

Hank takes a step forward and Archer does the same. Quickly taking action, I squeeze between them and release a calming scent. "Boys, boys let's think rationally now." I place my hands on both of there heaving chests and rub small circles in an attempt of comfort.

"Hank I can totally see where Archer here is coming from, we do wrestle a bit roughly. Not that it's wrong to do that, but maybe we just need to learn how to control our predator/prey urges." I smile up at him and for once he finally looks at me.

"And you, Archer, your reasoning is validated too. We," I pat Hanks chest to signify 'we', "understand the importance of keeping Omegas safe and not ever harmed. Hank here just got carried away in the moment. Didn't you?" I ask kindly but my eyes held flames that said 'youbetterdoasIsayorelse'

Hank gave a curt nod and I look to Archer for him to nod. But he didn't. "I think your friend can say all that for himself, or did he use up all his words for today?"

That's when all hell broke loose.

Hank threw a punch at Archer and it landed against his jaw. Archer growled and threw an uppercut that made Hank stumble back. Before it could get any farther I released scared, fearful, and terrified pheromones that immediately caught the brawling Alphas to a halt.

"Will you two stop!" I shout and shove them away from each other

"You," I point to Archer, "Should be ashamed of yourself for getting on his level when you are a grown a$$ man." Archer bows his head from my verbal lash

"And you," Hank widens his eyes at me, "Do you know how upset I am that you just tried to get in a fight with him over saying such stupid meaningless insults. Be a man and grow a pair, will ya! Now go inside now and wait." I say pointing to the front door sternly.

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