My New Neighbor

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Paisley P.O.V.

I glance behind me to see the guys face pressed against my special area, if you know what I mean. "What are you doing?"

The man seems startled and says something into my freaking sex. A tiny withering moan escapes out my mouth and I arch my back. His voice sent vibrations straight to my core and I involuntarily leaned down more to feel it again.

Omega pheromones emit from my scent glands, but I was too preoccupied in what was happening to my never been touched before virgin body.

"I said, you're sitting on me." he says again placing his rough hands on the back of my thighs to lift my bottom up a bit.

I blink before my face lights up like a firetruck. Sitting up I look around and notice Izzy is laying down in the grass with a bored expression. She looked like the grass was far more entertaining than the two people in a 69 position.

"Hmpf...emmph" a muffled sound comes from under me, and I about faint from the sight. I was literally sitting on the mans face.

"I am so sorry!" My legs spring up and I go to stand a bit away from him for personal space.

"I've never had that happen to me before." he says while standing

We look at each other awkwardly not meeting eye contact. That's when I realize, I know who he is. "Hey, you're that guy who stole my parking spot!" I point an accusing finger in his direction

He seems taken aback by my sudden excited behavior. "Me? No you're the crazy girl who got me beat with a cane." he counters back

I wave my hand around "Pish posh it's all in the past, anyway why are you here?" My attempt to change the subject apparently worked on him

"I live here, why are you here?" he questions back

My eyes widen to saucers "You, you live here, in that house?" To make my point I point to the small white house before us.

He nods

I'm struck with a realization "Then you're my new neighbor?!" I shout a little too loud. Izzy stands and begins to growl lowly at him. He backs away and a smirk finds its way on my face

"Will you please control your dog, please." He asks with a glare

"Izzy sit." and she does so

"You're my new neighbor then." He says not as a question but just as if telling himself the cold hard truth.

I nod my head and cross my arms over my chest. With my hip cocked to the side I wait for him to speak.

He laughs. He laughs a strange short strained laughter. "Oh this just keeps getting better and better." he says while shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I question bitterly

"What I mean is my new neighbor is the crazy girl from Publix, the girl with a demon dog, and now the girl who has sat on my face twice." he says while shaking his head

My face plummets but then lifts in a smile. "I like you, you're pretty neat."

He looks at me oddly and lifts a perfect brow "What?"

My smile widens "I'm just saying that you're pretty funny with your insults." That's when my eyes narrow dangerously "I know we'll get along swimmingly."

I put my hand out to be shook. He eyes it, but then clasps mine in his. Sparks and tingles erupt from the contact and I feel my knees buckle. Keeping my ground I smile back at his smirking face.

"Paisley Cooper, and this is Izzy." I introduce myself and Isabelle while still shaking his strong hand.

"Archer Blake" he says gruffly with a light squeeze to my hand

So this is a pretty short filler chapter

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EDITED: No more curse/cuss words. Unless it's for the good of the story, there will be a minimum amount of cursing.

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