Cuddle Fest!

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😉Hope y'all enjoy!😉

"Paisley? W-why are you here?"

Okay what the actual hell is going on?!

End of Recap

I stare down at his arms wrapped around my waist. My breathing is labored and I don't know how I'm still standing.

"Archer" I say, his name a whisper on my lips.

His eyes darken noticeably, Archer tightens his hold around me. "Paisley" he huskily says my name.

"Are you going to put it in or not?" I ask with a smirk on my rosy lips.

"Are you ready? Because once I do there's no going back." His features are serious, but Archer's eyes are filled with mirth. This moment is intense.

"Do it, I'm ready."

With a brisk nod he slowly closes in on the warm hole with his tool full of white icing.

Our eyes locked, Archer squeezes out the white icing inside the first cupcake out of a dozen.

He does a drilling motion to help get all the cream cheese flavored icing inside the cupcake. "There! Perfect." he smiles over at my smirking face.

"And you said it was going to be hard! Come on, you have five more to frost."

We high five and Archer continues frosting the rest of his cupcakes.

I smile, fidgeting from the waves of heat wracking my body. Archer keeps his arms pinned around me as he frosts the rest of his cupcakes.

~24 Hours Earlier~

I snap out of my lust stupor enough to blink and clear my fogged mind. 'Did he just ask why I'm here?'

"Ar-Archer you did this," My breaths come out in pants, my body reacting to the Alpha in front of me. Gesturing to the cuffs another pleasurable heat wave wracks me.

Archer shakes his head slowly, eyes beginning to glaze over from the pheromones. "No, no I couldn't have." His face is shadowed, but the scent of fear, surprise, and shockingly lust hits my nostrils.

I breathe in deeply, and with a whine start to struggle against my bonds again. "Archer please! Please take them off, I'll be good, I promise."

The metallic smell of blood lightly hits my nose, but I ignore it in favor of grinding down onto the pillow between my legs.

Painstakingly slow, my hips rotate in a circle. Then lifting up again in a rolling motion, I repeat this process all the while keeping eye contact with Archer.

I notice that his hands are balled into fists, knuckles stark white. A different contrast to his usually tan skin. I moan and beg him with my eyes.

I blink and Archer is gone. No longer is he standing at the door, but now beside me. His hand wraps around my wrist and electricity spirals up my arm and down to my core.

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