Patching Things Up

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Gazing into my brown eyes Archer sucks in a deep breath to calm himself. "Paisley Cooper will you go out with me?"

Right then and there I believe my heart skipped. And I might have screamed.

End of Recap:

Silence. Startling, uncomfortable, bone crushing silence. Only the few shaky breaths that escape my parted lips whisper through the tense filled air. This is the epitome of AWKWARD.

Archer breaks his gaze from mine to lean away. His shoulders hunching over in defeat. "Paisley I really care about you."

Still I remain silent. It's like the speech outlet to my brain has been cut and all I can do is gape like a fish. My arms hang limply down by my sides. Archer continues to speak but all I hear are his earlier words repeating themselves in my mind.

Paisley Cooper will you go out with me? Me? What! Why? Wait no lets not question it, he may change his mind.

"I won't."

Huh? My head shoots up to stare wide eyed at Archer. "What did you just say?"

He grins boyishly, making him seem younger "I won't change my mind. I really want this." his fingers graze over my arms and up my neck. It causes pleasurable tingles to shoot through me. "I want you, no let me rephrase that. I need you." He gazes deeply into my brown eyes. Navy blues bore into me.

"You want" Pointing to myself I ask him with a raised brow.

Another amazing smile lights his already dashing features. "Yes Paisley. I want you," he kisses both my cheeks," To go out," then peppers more playful kisses along my neck making me giggle, "with me!" One final kiss this time on my lips.

I can't help the happy sigh that leaves me as I lean into him. All too soon Arch pulls away. "Well?"

My head nods quickly. I'm pretty sure I've never smiled so big before in my life. Butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach and I can feel my cheeks flush. "Yes. Yes I want to go out with you!"

Throwing my arms around his neck Archer gives a whoop of joy. We share a kiss. Meant to be brief but when Archer tries to pull back I grab his face between my hands.

"Oh no you don't. You're mine now." Giving a sexy smirk I press my lips back to his. Moaning out when he grips my hips in his calloused hands. Running his rough hands against my soft skin.

The kiss isn't rushed like all the others we've shared. This one is slow and deliberate. Like an exchange of our emotions. We're trying to get our point across to each other. Nonetheless it's as passionate as any other kiss we've shared, and most certainty it won't be our last.

My hands find themselves tugging on his hair. Trying to guide his lips to somewhere else entirely. "Archer please."

He gives a short and dangerously low growl. Swiftly locking my legs around his hips he tugs me off the counter. "Lets get you upstairs." his husky voice has me gyrating my hips against his.

All this does is earn me a fierce thrust and more angry kisses are applied to my open neck. At one particular harsh nip I swat at Archers shoulder in protest. "That one hurt!"

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