Teenage Criminals

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"You'll be finishing the fifth-teen math problems I wrote on the board and I want you to do these ten extra problems for misbehaving." Out of nowhere Arch pulls out the problems and slaps them down on the island. "Have fun!" turning on his heel Archer struts out the kitchen the front door loudly being shut behind him.

"That mother f-"


"Hank help me!" I whine from my spot on the carpet. Izzy lies on the couch with her head in his lap. Both stare down at me in pity.

"You should have stayed in class then. Mr. Blake went over the problems with us and did some notes too."

Mr. Blake. My neighbor. The man who gave me twenty-five math problems to finish by tomorrow. "I'm not even going to repeat myself on why I had to leave." I give Hank a pointed glare, "Do you at least have your notes?" hope fills my voice.

He scratches at his head in thought "Uh...no I left my backpack at home. Sorry Paz."

"Ugh!" My head flops back down with a thud.

"Why don't you just knock on his door and ask for help? Isn't he your neighbor." Hank asks and stands from his spot on the couch. His thunderous steps disappear around the corner in the hall.

'Yes he is my neighbor.' My fingers drop the pencil onto the coffee table. 'But Archer has already visited once today and I don't think I can handle seeing him again.' Thoughts of the kiss we shared and then how I ran from the classroom blend together in my mind. "No! I'll just figure it out myself!" I shout out hoping that wherever Hank went he can hear me.

Hank walks back around the corner with a bowl of cereal. "Alright then." He plops himself back down next to Izzy. Her head immediately goes to rest in his lap. "So are we going to talk about how the guy I punched is our teacher? Or are we going to talk about how your neighbor is our Calculus teacher and you wouldn't even look him in the eyes?" he smirks down at my agape mouth. "Pick one Paisley."

Rolling over onto my stomach I sit up and stand. "We're not talking about any of those."

I head toward the back door and throw it open. Walking outside the sunlight hits my face and I breathe out a sigh. My bliss is short lived though.

"Yes, we are going to talk about it." Hank comes to stand beside me "Do you realize that you literally ran out of class just from hearing his voice? Paz you haven't ran out of class since freshmen year. And that was because you were throwing up!"

My shoulders hunch from how true his words are. With a glare I stomp down the steps and plush grass welcomes my toes.

"Paz! Has he done something to you? Did he-did he try anything inappropriate? I swear if he even tried to I'll cut his-"

"We kissed!" my voice echoes around us from how louder I had yelled.

"You what?" Hank stumbles slowly down the steps. Landing on the last and just sitting there. His green eyes bore into me from behind.

Tears prick at my eyes and I know that these won't stop. "We kissed Hank. At the mall." From his expression of confusion I sit down next to him and start to explain.

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