I Need To Workout More Often

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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling while running my fingers through Izzy's soft fur. A heavy sigh leaves me and I roll over on my side. Curling around Izzy I sigh again into her fur. Izzy noses my face and gives me a lick.

It's been three days since I received my first kiss from Archer. And that D-bag has yet to call or even knock on my front door. It's not like I felt he was obligated, but after he just left me standing in the Mall all alone, now that stung.

I can't get rid of that look on his face before he left. His eyes had hatred written all in them, and my heart broke a little. Why did he glare at me? Why did his scent change once he gazed at me with those dark eyes. Most importantly, why can't I get over this?

"Urrggg!" I throw a pillow at my door and flop back down. I don't know why, but suddenly I'm really mad.

What did I do? It's not my fault Archer wants to behave like a pr!ck. It's his loss cause he's missing all this fabulousness. Anger floods my veins. Red hot heat radiates off my body, and Izzy quickly jumps off the bed with a bark.

Oh it's on Archer Blake and you better be prepared for a load of pain.


Now after my little fit, Izzy and I are dressed in our workout gear. A black Victoria Secret sports bra and Nike shorts with my matching black Nike running shoes. Izzy has her pink harness on and the mini backpack that held water and snacks for us.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and whip out my Oakley sunglasses. "Good thing I don't have siblings." I walk out the back door and start my stretches.

Since I'm an only child my Dad felt it was necessary to buy me whatever I wanted. If I told him I wanted a new pair of shoes he would say, "Color and price." Once I told him, we would go shopping together. My Mom on the other hand is very strict about me and Dad spending money. She controls the bank account and won't hesitate to turn off the credit/debit cards. I growl thinking back to the time I really wanted this Kavu bag, but my card was denied. Turns out my 'sweet' Mother turned my card off and in return it got cut into pieces by the cashier.

I glance over to see Izzy doing her stretches too. Smiling at her as she paws at the ground and wiggles her butt. "You ready girl?" I do some jumping jacks just for fun. Izzy barks in return and runs a circle around me.

Something tells me to look over to my right. Glancing over I see Archer out in his backyard. He hasn't noticed me yet, thank goodness. He's out in a pair of cargo shorts and a plain t-shirt. It still shows off his muscles and I stare open mouthed when he lifts up his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Oh hot mother of chocolate, I need help." I mutter and muster myself to stop ogling him. Motioning to Izzy we take off running across my backyard and towards the woods behind it.

We race across the dirt and leaves, weaving through the trees. I duck low to evade a low hanging branch. A smile breaks out over my face and laughter erupts from deep within me. I loved to run, it calmed me and cleared my mind. 'No more thoughts about that stupid Alpha.'

I lunge to grab onto a sturdy branch, swinging from it I jump down over a small stream. Izzy takes a running start. She powers through and leaps over it. I clap excitedly and "Woot woot! That's my girl." I shout while cheering her on.

We continue on with a slow jog. Izzy runs ahead disappearing through the thick brush. Coming upon the hidden pond in the woods, I pant heavily. The water is bright blue and clear. If you look closely you can see the fishes as they swim by. The water shimmers, added with the beautiful colorful rocks under the surface.

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