Why Me?

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Recap of Last Chapter!

"I'll go fetch you some clothes. Just sit tight." With that he all but ran out of the living room.

'Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?'

End of Recap!

I watched Archers strong, toned back disappear around the corner. Taking the time to observe my surroundings better, I take a seat on the nearby sofa. My butt sinks into the plush leather cushions with the telltale sound of leather rubbing against leather.

"His place is....modern?" I mumble and hesitantly lean back on the sofa. My body thrums with the remnants of what had just transpired between us. Archers hands on my hips felt, way too good. I shudder and bring the blanket closer to my body, shielding it from view.

Sitting on that sofa for a good 5 minutes in my neighbors house, is really boring. I mean how long did it take to get some clothes. I turn my head to peer at the door that Archer left out of. It wouldn't hurt to check where he went, would it? I stand up and walk slowly to the doorway. My head pokes out from behind the door frame. My eyes peer down the dimly lit hall, picking out objects. A hallway table set with a vase of flowers that really needed to be watered, a long hallway rug atop the hardwood flooring. A staircase led upstairs and I headed towards it.

My feet shuffle along the carpet in the hall to the bottom of the staircase. Looking up the stairs I see blank walls. "No pictures at all." I found it odd that everywhere I look, he didn't have one piece of art or photo hanging up. Maybe he's still unpacking? But Archers lived here for almost a month so that could hardly be it.

"Hey Arch, you alive?" I shout up the stairs. It's not like I'm going to go up there and invade his privacy, you just don't do that. Plus I'm literally 98% naked, he's an Alpha and I being an Omega just won't mix well. Naked with a splash of touchy Alpha whose tongue has been so far down your throat you're amazed it wasn't a strep throat examination.

I hear a thud and then "Oww..." drifts down to me in a groan. Still I hold my ground and stay rooted to the spot. If it turns out Archer is a psychotic murderer preparing his torture chamber, I wanted to be as far away as I could. "Yeah, I'm good." That smooth, velvety voice shouts back down to me.

I decide to sit on the stairs to wait on him. "Well hurry up! Your house is weird." I mumble the last bit to myself.

Steps thump above me, then descend onto the stairs. I tip my head back to see Archer smirking down at me. "Oh great you're alive." I say sarcastically, jeez he took a long time, maybe he used the bathroom?

He rolls his blue eyes and drops something on my head. "Did you miss me?" He whispers in my ear. I jump and look up to see him bent down at my level on the stairs. His warm breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine, I hated it. Well maybe I didn't, but Archer didn't need to know that he affected me this way.

Taking the pair of clothes off my head grouchily, I look down at what he gave me. An old faded green t-shirt and some grey joggers. A smile lifts my lips, but it diminishes once a thought pops into my mind.

I glance up at Archer to see him standing with his arms crossed on the bottom of the stairs, in front of me. Making up my mind to be unladylike, I lift my arm and sniff my armpits. Archer gives me a strange look then chuckles at my disgusted expression.

"Are you sure you're a girl?" He says between laughs. I stick my tongue out at him with a frown.

"Ha ha, yes I'm pretty sure. You want to check?" I smirk when his laughter stops.

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