Acceptant & Confession (pt. 13)

Start from the beginning

The brunette woman pulled Cara away from the kitchen then entering a home office, and grabbed a coat before leading them out from what it seemed like an exclusive townhouse in Manhattan.

“Unbelievable... I don’t mind living like this for the rest of my life…” Cara said, still in awe with everything that she saw.


After she was staying few hours inside Cara’s room, the cheer captain had just realized how late it was and decided it was time for her to go home. After saying goodbye to Cara’s parents, she went downstairs and went to sit in the waiting room near the hospital’s entrance in the ground floor, as she waited her mom’s driver to pick her up.

Ever since the incident, Kendall didn’t have energy to drive herself to school or anywhere to be exact. Her mom who understood her daughter’s current condition, offered her personal driver to drive Kendall everywhere.

As the brunette waited her mom’s driver to pick her up, her mind began wandering around. She was still processing what exactly happened in these past few days. She then remembered what Bernard had explained to them few days ago, and remembered clearly that Jordan had told everyone that it was a self defense.

Is he for real?! How fucking dare he?! Kendall couldn’t help but furious just thinking about him.

“Well look who’s here... You should go home, Jenner. Isn’t this pass your curfew?” an annoying voice greeted her.

Kendall immediately looked up facing the annoying intruder. “What are you doing here?!” she almost shouted.

“Oh you know, just making sure my girl is alright.” Miss Clark —who apparently also went to the hospital that day— approached the tall brunette in the empty waiting room.

Kendall scoffed, annoyed with the music teacher. “Your girl? Right... Delusional much?! Don’t you have work to do?!” She glared at the older woman.

“Same question, don’t you have a homework to do, little girl ?” Miss Clark somewhat mocked her.

“And you think you’re allowed to visit her? In case you don’t know, it family only! With exception of me.” Kendall smirked victoriously.

Instead feeling defeated, Miss Clark only chuckled. “Well, in case you don’t know, little girl... I know the director of this hospital, and he'll do anything I ask for. So, please don’t worry about Cara. I’m going to wait inside her room and I’ll make sure she’s gonna be alright.”

Kendall stood up immediately. She had enough of this shit! Not only she was upset with the whole situation, and how clueless and left behind she was with everything that happened. Now this? Seriously ?!

“Okay that’s it! I want you to stay away from her!” Kendall pushed the music teacher hard, the older woman almost fell.

“I don’t give a shit that you’re a teacher or what, cause if I ever see you causing trouble between my girl and I again, I’ll make sure the Principal and every other teachers and schools in the region will find out that you were having sex with a 15 years old student!! In case you don’t know because how stupid you are, that’s fucking illegal, you sick pedophile!” Kendall shouted at the end as she glared dangerously at the teacher’s face.

She was so sick with Annie fucking Clark kept coming between Cara and her. Kendall had enough with the unhealthy obsession that older woman had with her ex-girlfriend.

Like, move on already woman! What a creep!  Kendall thought as she continued glaring at the teacher.

“Now seriously, get out from our life!” Kendall yelled, didn’t even care if she’d get a detention for being disrespectful toward a teacher.

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