Acceptant & Confession (pt. 11)

Start from the beginning

She gave her phone to the Principal, and he didn’t waste his time to watch the video, while Coach Martin and the nurse trying to wake Cara up.

“Mr. Schmidt, she needs to go to the hospital. I’m going to call 911.” The nurse stood up and getting ready to make a phone call.

“I already called them ten minutes ago, don’t worry. They’ll be here in less than 5 minutes.” Miss Clark appeared out of nowhere.

Kendall couldn’t help feeling her blood boiled seeing the music teacher was there acting all heroic and such. But before she could do anything stupid in front of the other teachers and the Principal, there was a commotion on the cafeteria's entrance, which automatically everyone was looking at the direction, wondering what was happening.

“This asshole over here responsible for everything!” Bernard pulled Jordan back in to the cafeteria after he along with some other guys managed to catch the quarterback from running away.

Principal Schmidt squinted, making sure his eyes weren’t making a mistake. “Mr. Clarkson?!” he disappointedly asked, he couldn’t believe that his future star student causing this horrible incident.

“I can explain sir. It’s a self defense! She kicked me first! And things just ended up out of control—

“You’re kidding right?! You insulted us out of nowhere, and you pushed her first! And self defense against 5.7 feet girl?!? Seriously?!” Bernard cut Jordan off.

Principal Schmidt sighed-heavily, obviously disappointed that his golden boy had ruined his school reputation instead of the otherwise. “My office now!! All of you!” He pointed at those footballers.

“Coach Martin, I believe I could trust you with miss Delevingne?” he asked, who being answered by a firm yes and nod by the Coach.

“Good. Now, the rest of you!! Back to class! NOW!!!” he demanded all of the students who still lingering around in the cafeteria.

When everyone started moving, following the Principal's order, Kendall stood still. She wouldn’t leave Cara. She would not. No matter what. Detention, be damned.

After a while, the cafeteria began to get empty, only few people remaining inside.

In matter of minutes, the paramedics came, causing some commotion in already empty cafeteria. One of them examined Cara, making sure Cara was still alive, while the other one was pushing the stretcher.

“How is she?” Coach Martin asked.

“Is she gonna be okay?” Kendall added, she was getting anxious every time the paramedics doing all the procedure checking Cara’s up.

“We need to bring her to the hospital asap. There’s a big chance she has internal bleeding.” The paramedic who checked on Cara’s condition answered professionally, then they began to rush and getting busy to move Cara from the floor to the stretcher so they could bring her to the ambulance.

“From what I’ve gathered, it seemed she also has some several bones fracture as well, most likely nose, jaw, and possibly ribs,” Mrs. Larsson told the paramedics.

“The doctors will examine furthermore, but noted.” The paramedic nodded, before they began to move Cara to the ambulance that parked outside the school’s entrance.

“I want to go with them!” Kendall said loudly.

“Miss Jenner, I think you should go to class. The paramedics will bring her to the hospital and I already called her parents. They’ll meet her in the hospital,” Coach Martin told Kendall.

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