Acceptant & Confession (pt. 10)

Depuis le début

Less than a month later, Cara finally moved back to LA, permanently this time. Then after several weeks of adjusting and her father had been taking care of her transfer to her new school, Cara finally continued her seventh grade in an elite private school in LA.

The first day of her coming back to school in LA, she was trembling. She was terrified, anxious and beyond nervous. Not only it’d been three years after she left the US, but knowing Kendall was also attending the same school as her wasn’t helping her anxiety either.

The moment she finally met with her childhood friend in the school hallway, Cara felt her heart skipped a beat. She was excited and her heart was filled with joy, not to mention all the butterfly fluttering inside of her chest spreading all over her stomach consumed her. She didn’t understand what was the feelings at first, all she knew that she was feeling over the moon seeing the beautiful brunette once again.

So Cara didn’t think twice when she walked closer to the seventh grader brunette who was currently opening her locker in the hallway. She approached Kendall and greeted the brunette confidently, thinking that her best friend would be as excited as she was for seeing each other again.

When Kendall turned around, facing the blonde and looked at her blankly as she didn’t recognize who Cara was, the British girl was feeling hurt immediately. But when she re-introduced herself, Kendall’s expression and reaction was forever craved in Cara’s memory. Those cold expression, those cold eyes looking at her, along with her cold attitude.

It broke Cara’s heart into pieces.

The kind, protective and attentive girl she knew was no longer there. The girl in front of her was not the same Kendall Jenner she knew. The girl in front of her was not the same best friend she knew. The girl in front of her was not the same girl she’d been missing for the past three years. The girl in front of her was a stranger.

A cold heartless stranger.

Ever since then, Kendall avoided her without even trying to be subtle about it. She literally avoided Cara like a plague, blatantly, and Cara got the memo. Loud and clear. From that moment, Cara had only watched Kendall from a far.

At first she didn’t want to upset Kendall even more than she already was. So she gave her former childhood best friend a space. By times, Cara managed to make friends with other people in and out side the school, including Suki, Jourdan and Harry from the British expatriate family. Then later on, she also began to move on with her life as she was also being absorbed by the routine of her new school.

But then, she didn’t understand why it hurt her every time she saw Kendall was close with some random boy. She didn’t understand either, why it hurt her every time Kendall ignored her when they were in the same class. It hurt her that Kendall wouldn’t even spare a glance at her.

Then one day Cara accidentally bumped into her in the cafeteria, causing the food tray Kendall was holding fell all over the brunette’s clothes. And boy, did Kendall pissed about that. For the first time ever since Cara greeted her in the school’s hallway, Kendall finally looked at her.

Well, glared at her, to be exact.

Either way, Cara felt thrilled seeing those brown eyes she missed the most in a close range. Then when Kendall yelled at her and saying nasty stuff at her in front of everyone in the cafeteria, instead of feeling insulted, Cara was feeling happy and giddy at the same time. Not because she was some kind of sick person who loved being insulted or anything, but she felt giddy because Kendall finally acknowledged her.

Ever since that incident, it became a habit of hers to act as obnoxious as she could in front of the Queen Bee of the school, just so Kendall would notice her. Cara didn’t understand why, but she needed to be noticed by the tall brunette. It had became her everyday mission.

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