The New Divine Warriors

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We were in some sort of castle chambre.

"What... What the heck... " That was all Aaron could muttered.

"We are the next generation of the divine warriors." Said Laurence with a smile.

"And we've been under training for all this time." Added Garroth.

"Sorry we didn't tell you earlier cause your turn is now." Katelyn said with a little laugh.

Irene giggled at our stupid reacting, I just stared dumbfounded while Aaron whipped his head around the room.

"Is my alarm clock ringing?!" He exclaimed, "oh Irene! It's one of those super long dream right, isn't it?!" He asked in frustration, "Great, now I'm going to be late for school!"

I slapped Aaron.

"OUCH! What was that for?!"

"To give you the assurance this isn't a dream."

"And why would you do that?!"

"Because I never want to be part of your dreams."

Irene began talking, "Let me tell you guys a tale, told among humans in a way but the true tale,"

Shad finished for her, "was never told among mortals."

The heaviness of the air increased, I gulped visibly and visibly sweat beads rolled down Aaron's face.

The room got dark and pitures of different kinds hovered above our heads as Irene began her tale.

"Long ago, in the earth that was corrupted. No mortal could have survived more than a month, Monsters and demons leashed through the world as chaos was the only peace humans ever had."

A picture of humans being eaten by hideous monsters, blood splattered on the ground as some mothers' tried to protect some children bringing to their chest protectively. I flinched at the picture but kept my eyes open.

"The gods decided to take action;" a picture of six people appeared, "They chose six people from each continent in the goal to bring peace. Among humans, they walked as freaks but among demons they walked as monsters."

"One day, these six divine humans came together, bounding to stick together.
All the six worked together but as time went on, one of the warriors got corrupted. Shad the destroyer."

We all looked at Shad as he nodded and took over the narration of the story.

"My powers got out of control, corrupted. My thoughts were piled and all I had then to support me is the hate I had for Irene.
I forgot the expression 'forgive, forget', my hate was the only thing that blinded my vision."

"I gave in to the dark. I became the shadow Lord; Irene and the others stood up and fended me off the humans world. As they walked among humans as gods, they also lied to the people about the temporary peace.
They attacked me off and fended the darkness in my heart; showing me the truth."

He nodded as a sign for Irene to take over the story.

"As a reward," she said, "the gods decided to take out our powers away but give it back to us as relic forms and with the relics came immortality. It may have came as a beautiful gift, the warriors lived day by day as they watched their beloved ones die and recranate." 

"Years and years later, the Divine warriors decided to make ancestors and take a rest. They have given their powers to people with special abilities and features only."

The silence of the room became so heavy that a pin drop could be heard as an ocean flood.

Irene finished narrating her story as she and Shad now stood next to each other, smiling.

A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bully (An Aarmau Fanfiction) ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang