Aphmau and her partner

Start from the beginning

"Through what?"

He didn't look at my direction not nor did he answered; but we both know the answer.

"That was a little off Travis, you need to adjust between your warlord powers and the relic's powers." Enki scolded as Travis hung his head in disappointment. "But that doesn't mean you didn't graduate with the others." He said with a smile.

Travis' eyes sparked again, he pumped his fist in the air. "See Katelyn, and there you said I wouldn't graduate with you guys!"

He did the jazz hands as Katelyn tried hard to control her anger.

"Manfia, can I let my emotion at him now?" Katelyn growled, and Manfia laughed at both of them.

"Congratulation Travis." Garroth said as he appeared with his set up.

"That should get you more worked up Laurence, you haven't finished your report of the 'black lilac' flower in Nether." Kul'zak stated as Laurence was about to congratulate Travis.

"Are you serious?! There are pigmens literally everywhere near that area, I'm not going to take a suicide mission just for a report." Laurence exclaimed as he crossed his arms.

"You don't have to only be a wonderer, you'll make yourself weak and always backing your team-" He stopped himself mid way and blow out a breath upon seeing Laurence's confused look and Irene' s concerned reactions.

"What I meant to say is, you don't have to depend on others for protection of anything happens." He switched his voice to an authoritive one, "I want that report by next month." He said firmly.

"Fiiiine~" Laurence whined as he joined the others.

"Still thinking about that incident?" I asked Kul'Zak with a faint smile.

"We don't want the same thing to happen again." He laughed.

"Hey you guys!" I snapped my attention to Manfia, who was now laying on the couch. "Don't you think it's time we bring your pupils?" She asked with amusement in her tone.

"Yea, but you never told us who's Aphmau's partner?" Garroth asked.

I looked at Shad with the same amount of excitement. "We found a very suiting partner for her."

"If we do say so ourselves." Shad finished.

"Travis and Katelyn" I called, the both looked at me.

"I want to bring Aphmau to us."

"And her partner who shall stay unnamed?" Katelyn stood up.

"He'll come if he is the perfect suitor." Shad added with a smirk.

He came walked to my side and put my hand on his hand as our fingers interlocked.

"Everyone get ready!" Esmund called as the everyone got out.

Before Garroth could get out, Laurence reminded him to shut all the lights for dramatic effects leaving the middle one one.


"Yea," I answered in the dim-lighted dark.

"After this, are you still going to be with me?"

I was so taken back by his question, I mean our powers were the ones that attracted us from the beginning, after this we'll be living as normal human being. No feeling of attraction or magical repulsion.

And I never thought of it before, I mean I always liked -and still do- Shad when I got to know him, our powers was an excuse to be with him but what next?

A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bully (An Aarmau Fanfiction) ✅Where stories live. Discover now