Mine (pt. 9) - Rewritten

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“Don’t you dare to call me that, ever ... again.” Kendall warned the shorter blonde.

“Okay, boo boo.” Hailey nodded.

Kendall groaned, frustrated with the shorter blonde while Gigi just snickered seeing how innocent Hailey was.

“Seriously wassup though? Are you upset I’m gonna taking over today’s practice? Still scared I’ll take over your spot or something, Kendall?” Gigi riled her up.

Kendall glared at her second in command, giving the tall blonde her infamous HBIC glare.

“Yow Gi, stop torturing the girl will ya? And Kendall, stop treating us like we’re your enemies! You know for sure we got your back since day one.” A gorgeous tall dark skin girl with stunning cheekbones and impressive slim yet fit body, approached them.

“Joan!! You look so fucking hot today! Can we make out after practice?” Hailey said as she jumped at the taller girl.

“Uhh ... how about no, lil' girl.” Joan patted Hailey’s head like she was some kind of puppy. “Try that one over there.” She pointed at Gigi, then pushed the shorter blonde to Gigi’s direction.

Kendall just rolled her eyes at their antics. She hated to admit it, but Joan was right, if there were people she trusted the most in her team it would be these three crazy girls. There was a reason why the three of them were known as the top cheerleaders and the most popular ones in the school. After Kendall of course, since she was the Queen Bitch in this freakin high school after all.

“What time is the meeting again?” Kendall asked Joan.

Joan frowned, trying to remember what their coach had just told her in her office, right before she went to the locker room. As the team manager slash coordinator, also as Coach’s left hand —since Kendall was Coach’s right hand— she had to manage and remember everything that related with the team’s activity, including schedule for competitions, rehearsals, even technical meetings and such.

“I think it’ll be at 3.00. Coach said don’t be late or we’ll both be running 20 tomorrow.” She reminded Kendall.

Kendall nodded, and grabbed her bag before she was getting out from the cheer team’s locker room, followed by the other three top cheerleaders behind her.

Kendall walked the opposite where Gigi and Hailey went, as they went to the field to practice, while the brunette along with Joan walked to the assembly hall where most school meeting always took place.

When they got inside the assembly hall, most students were already there, and as usual; once she walked passed their chairs, they were most likely staring or drooling at her. Whichever the case, Kendall didn’t care that much.

Kendall walked calmly to her normal seat where she usually sat, ever since she was regular with the sports meeting. Once she was sat on her chair, immediately she scanned all of the people in the room, didn’t care if she gave a bitchy vibe to everyone in the room.

Like, who fucking cares about these losers. Kendall thought as she observed some more. Hmm… isn’t that Coach Martin? So the track team is here too. Wait! It means Ca—

“What cha think they’re gonna discuss? Like seriously this is such a waste of time. Right? Why can’t they just make an announcement over the speaker or send mass email instead. That’ll safe a whole lots fucking times.” Joan ranted next to her, cutting Kendall’s wandering mind.

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