26- Percy Hates Gods

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Percy didn't speak for while.

When he did he felt a bit morbid, "I've been thinking about the prophecy." He said, "the line 'when darkness takes over their place' maybe it's not darkness in the literal sense, maybe it's darkness as in the person."

"Nyx," Annabeth breathed, she though for a moment, "I think you're right, I mean she wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows when we met her."

"Well as the goddess of night you don't exactly expect sunshine and rainbows," Leo rolled his eyes.

Annabeth shot him a look like 'shut up or I'll run you through' and she froze with that expression on her face. As did everyone else.

Percy got to his feet and looked around. The entire senate house was frozen.

In a different situation Percy would've taken this opportunity to dye the Stoll brother's hair, to draw 'Team Leo' tattoos on Leo, to steal Jason's glasses, to draw a moustache and glasses onto Piper, to steal Reyna's dagger, to give it ago Grover so that he could watch Reyna chase him around and scare him.

Basically he would've taken this opportunity to mess with everyone. But he wasn't going to do that because it wasn't the most comforting thing to see all of your friends frozen in place. Across the room Harry got to his feet.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. Suddenly the room was bathed in a white light. A symbol appeared over the door and Percy recognised it as the symbol of Islam. But it was slightly different to that. The star was in a different place and the moon was more full.

Harry and Percy exchanged a look. Even though they had just met Percy understood what Harry's look was asking.

'Do we go in?' Harry's eyes asked.

Percy looked back at the door and walked towards it. Harry followed closely after him. Outside the senate house stood Hecate. She stood tall and proud. Percy wanted nothing more than to punch her in the face.

"Perseus! Harry!" She smiled and spread her arms, "I am here to give you a warning."

Percy glared at the goddess, "I'm so done with stupid, cryptic God warnings."

"Perseus, this isn't cryptic," she smiled even wider, "the darkness is going to descend soon."

"Yet and you think that's not cryptic!" Percy yelled, "that's the problem with you gods, sure to you a few months is nothing, but to us it's everything! You took me away from my life! And to be honest I can see what turned Luke Castellan so bitter! If you gods just had the decency to ask!"

Hecate smiled even wider, "Perseus, you and I both know that if I had asked you would've said know, and I knew that you are essential to the success in this war. The only way I could get you to cooperate was to put you in the middle of everything." Then Hecate disappeared.

Percy turned around to face Harry, "I hate gods!" He declared.

"I'm beginning to see why," Harry agreed.

The world around them unfroze and the boys looked at eachother. They hurried back into the senate house. Which was bedlam.

I just enjoyed a lovely day of headaches and Gilmore girls.
I love Sundays!
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!!
~Em xx

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