Chapter 31 ~ Alana~

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A quiet fell over the room as if a blanket had been thrown over everyone. Then the large doors at the end of the room were thrown open to the sound of a fanfare.

The king of the diamonds started walking up the aisle followed by some religious person and Morgan.

He looked so serious, his green eyes void of emotion, his lips looking like a carved line in his face. A long deep blue cape was thrown over his shoulders, and it dragged along the well polished floor, and it's swishing was the only sound I could hear.

He reached the front of the room, and knelt before the throne. The Diamond king stood next to him, and started to drone on about Morgan's duties as king and how he should care and be strong. I was just zoning out completely when I heard him say

"You have flaws, however we see them, and we accept them, understanding they make you the greater person you are. We hope you will see others in the same light."

I didn't get some fancy speech at my dull coronation; barely anybody turned up!

The king of the Diamonds stepped away, taking a seat next to Diana.

Then it was the religious minister's turn to natter on. he went on for a while before finishing saying

"We have you in our hearts, and we hope we are in yours"

Then he turned to us, the royals.

"Do you accept Morgan Bennett as king of The Swords?"

All of the royals nodded before saying

"I do"

Oh god. I don't know what to do! Just copy them Alana. Say 'I do'. Stay calm.

"I. D-do." I said slowly an loudly, probably sounding as if something was wrong with me.

It sounds like wedding vows. It's like I'm saying vows at mine and Morgans weddi-

Hell No.

I glanced over to Morgan to see him smirk slightly.

Oh stop it.

Then he sat down, being heralded by the trumpets again.

"They should have rehearsals." I hissed to Diana.


After the ceremony, all the chairs were removed from the Great Hall and tables full of food were placed around the room.

The sound level slowly rose, as the did the heat and soon, when I could hardly hear my own thoughts, I was concerned I was about to pass out.

I headed off to the drinks table, hoping to find something to cool me down. Just as I was waiting in line (yes-the Queen of Roses has to wait) I felt two large hands on my shoulders, and a whisper in my ear.

"Looking for ale, Alana banana?"

I spun round to a grinning Morgan.

"Where were you before?" I asked, almost immediately.

"Huh? I was getting ready. Why?"

"No reason-I-I just wanted to see you were okay." I said to the floor, feeling my cheeks turn red hot. There was a long awkward pause, with me just staring at the floor.

"Alana" I looked up, to see him nodding behind me. I turned to see the barista serving drinks, looking at me rather sceptically.

"Oh. Could I have a lemonade please." the servant provided a glass full of a cloudy liquid and passed it to me, whilst glancing between Morgan and I.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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