Chapter 18 ~Morgan~

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The words hit me like spears.

They were brutal...because they were so true.

Alana could see something that I've never even admitted to myself, even though, deep down, I knew it already. I've probably known it all my life, but I just kept trying, kept denying it, in case one day he would actually accept me. Until he would actually accept the fact that I would always be more powerful than him. Until he could accept that, and would care about me, for once.

But he still doesn't. He won't. He never will.

I'm just the son he regrets having. The son who is only there for him to use. He used me 15 years ago to invade the Dragons, he made it seem like a game, a bit of fun for three year old me. All he really wanted was power. And I was only there as a tool to help him get it. No matter how hard I try, I will only ever be used.

I offered to walk Alana home, for some unknown reason. I had no idea why I would ever offer that to someone who'd basically just killed me inside. Who'd wounded me so bad.

We were going through the side of the house, when Stella came and tugged on my arm.

"Hey!" She said, completely ignoring the fact that the girl she just made cry was standing right next to me.

"Yeah, Stella? Do me a favour." I asked.

"Sure! Anything." She smiled, a smile so fake it almost seemed real.

"Never talk to me again, please." I tried to say politely, and hiding my inner feelings of hurt.

Her fake smile faded, and then turned back into a faker smile.

"Awww...Don't be silly, you're just drunk." She playfully grabbed my arm. "I know you get so touchy when you're drunk."

Even if I was drunk, Alana's statement would have sobered me up again.

"I'm not drunk." I said, tugging my arm out of her grip, and walking away. I didn't turn my head to see the expression on Stella's face.

Happy Birthday, Stella. Bitch.

Alana was almost out the driveway. I ran a few paces to catch up with her, and we walked in utter silence for a while.

"So you and Stella are together?" She asked, with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Were together." I corrected.

I'm glad we're not, now.

"Oh." She replied, simply, her voice lifting up a bit.

So she's happy I'm not with anyone, huh?

"Yeahh..." I awkwardly carried on the conversation.

What is wrong with you, Morgan?! You're never socially awkward! Don't start being it now!

I was about to start a conversation, when we reached her house. She only lived a couple of streets away from Stella's.

"This is me." She announced, and began walking to the front door.

"Bye" we both said, and then looked at each other weirdly. Her blue eyes sparkled with amazement.


Me and Alana purposefully ignored each other the next day, because we both knew that there was going to be a mutual feeling of awkwardness, for some reason.

On thursday, I smiled at her when we passed in the corridors. And that was it, she didn't even smile back.

It was open day of Friday, so no school for us. That meant and extra-long weekend at home, in the silence of my cold and empty palace.

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