Proving a Point (pt. 3)

Start from the beginning

Cara ignored her friend’s statement, and just sipping her green tea to calmed her thought. After a while she said, “If I apologize will that be considered as being whipped?”

Jourdan rolled her eyes, amused at her friend’s question, “Either being whipped but you still have a girlfriend or you're trying to prove to your rival that you’re some tough cookie, but you probably would be single by then.”

Suki couldn’t help chuckling at Cara’s expression, she was obviously terrified at the idea being dumped by Kendall. She touched Cara’s hand on the table and squeezed it, “Look ... stop trying to prove something that you’re not, we’re not saying that you’re a pushover or anything like that, but obviously what you’d suggested was degrading to Kendall, and that’s not you at all, you worship the ground she’s walking and you treat her like a queen. Be as whipped as it may, but at least you’re happy right? So what’s the point?”

Cara stayed still and after few moments just nodded agreeing with what her friend was saying. She did worship Kendall, she adored her girlfriend so much, she didn’t know what got into her when she was being a douche yesterday. This whole issue with Harry was messing with her head.

Suki gave her encouraging smile and patted Cara’s hand, “You know—“

“Well lookie who’s here, wassup Delevingne?” A familiar voice greeted them.

Cara looked up to the source of the voice and saw Joan and Hailey stood in front of her table.

“Who’s this?” Joan raised her eyebrow, definitely didn’t miss that her captain’s girlfriend’s left hand was under some blonde girl’s hand.

Cara noticed where were Joan’s eyes at and quickly pulled her hand and started introducing them, “Joan, these are my friends Jourdan and Suki, girls, that’s Joan and that’s Hailey, Kendall's friends. I didn’t see you guys come in by the way, or have you been here long and I didn’t notice?” Cara tried being polite.

“Well if you weren’t lost under someone else’s gaze then maybe you would’ve noticed us. Since you know, you’re facing the door,” Joan said in her sassy attitude.

Cara scowled, she didn’t like Joan’s subtle accusation, but before she able to said something Hailey cut her off with her question.

“Suki? You don’t look like a Japanese,” Hailey said confused.

Jourdan laughed at that but quickly recovered when she realized that Hailey was being serious.

“That's because I’m not? I’m British like Cara, unusual name I know.” Suki smiled at the two cheerleaders.

Hailey squinted her eyes like she wasn’t buying Suki's explanation.

“Hmmm ... Okay then, anyway would love to catch up but we’re in hurry. So ... Nice to meet you guys ... I guess,” Joan said, then turned around approaching the cashier to order.

“Rude much?” Jourdan said, displeased with Joan’s attitude. “See, this is why I’m not a fan of your girlfriend, have you seen her friends? And your girl was the bitchest of the bitchest, can’t believe what level of bitchiness your—”

“Hey stop it! That’s my girl you’re talking about!” Cara scolded her friend, obviously not pleased listening to her friend bashing her girlfriend.

Jourdan huffed, “Sorry, I guess I just don’t know her that much, is it my fault though we’ve never meet her? It’s like you're hiding her from us. Shouldn’t you brag your girlfriend around the town and introduce to us or something?! I thought we’re your best friends,” Jourdan said, upset over how secretive Cara was.

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