Figure Things Out (pt. 4)

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"You! Give me your uniform!" Coach Grand yelled, suddenly pointing to one certain cheerleader she recognized clearly.

Everyone was stunned at what their coach had said.

"But Coach ... I didn't do anything," the junior almost cried.

"Did you, or did you not, make a statement saying your own captain a bitch and a slut?" Coach glared intimidatingly.

The junior didn't say anything, she was just looking on the floor. Ashamed for being caught.

"Thought so. Now listen up minions! When I chose a captain, I chose for a reason. So you're saying something bad about her, then you're saying something bad about me too. You called her a bitch, it means you called me a bitch too. Let's make this thing clear, I don't give a damn shit about your opinion, keep it to yourself!

"You don't like my rules, then get out of my team. I need people who's willing to work with the team, cause I need you guys to be the best team for the National Championship. You hear me?! You don't like your captain that's your choice, but disrespect her and you're done!" Coach finished her speech.

"You! I want the uniform back on Monday 8 AM, make sure they're spotless and dry cleaned. Understand me?! Now get out!!" she barked to the junior.

"Hadid, lead the practice today, now! Everyone except Jenner, OUT!!" Coach shouted.

When everyone was out and there were just the two of them inside, Coach walked almost slowly to where Kendall was standing. She looked at her for a second, then groaned disappointed with her used-to-be golden child's action.


She smacked the locker near Kendall with a full-force, causing Kendall to tremble because how nervous she was all of the sudden and staring at the floor instead. She hated to admit it, but she was somewhat terrified and intimidated at that point.

"The hell is wrong with you?!" Coach growled.

Kendall didn't dare to look up.

Coach sighed, "What did I say about setting your priorities right?"

Kendall didn't say anything.

"I never said you need to be single and becoming this uncontrolled rogue wolf. I need you to focus! You needed to step away from your relationship bubble and setting up your future. Not.. this!! God ... this is too much teenage angst for me. I can't deal with you anymore, you know what Jenner, you're suspended!" Coach said loudly.

"What?! I can't leave the team, please Coach I have nothing left other than cheerleading," Kendall begged.

"Oh really? I thought your life doesn't revolve around cheerleading?! You sure didn't need it when you're busy making out with that British captain or whatever you youngster do, and then now, you're using it as something to distract your mind?! Nope, doesn't work that way. If you want to be in the team then I need your body and soul 110%!!!" Coach yelled at her.

"You're suspended for physically attacking other people, and I'm not talking about that junior, I'm talking about the people you've tortured because you're having a break up meltdown! How many bullying complaints do you think I need to debunk every freaking day?! Now let's go to the principal's office, he might suspend you for 2-3 days, that'll teach you a lesson." Coach turned around ready to leave.

"No no no no no, Coach please, not suspension from the principal please, it'll ruin my clean rep sheet. Please.... I need to have a clean record for my applications," Kendall begged, she was definitely desperate.

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