Proving a Point (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

Bro before hoes, my ass!  Cara thought.

"So Jourdan, congrats! Louis told me you were signed by Storm Models, I heard our legend Kate Moss was signed by them too, always knew gorgeous girl like you would ended up as supermodel." Harry winked at her.

Jourdan smiled bashfully, and thanked him for the compliment. Well, it wasn't surprising she got signed as a model, with tall, slim body, high cheekbones and beautiful glowing dark skin and face like an angel like her, Jourdan was a striking beauty.

If Cara had to be honest, she used to have a little crush on her, but Jourdan was straight like a ruler and Cara was always more head over heels on certain tall brunette she'd known since she was a child.

"Again, what do you want, Styles?" Cara began getting annoyed with his presence.

"Aaawh I'm sorry Cara, didn't I give you enough attention? Don't worry, you're gorgeous too! The most gorgeous, I totally dig it." He winked at her that made Cara wanted to barf.

"Didn't know you're into dick, if I knew I would take that rumor about you and Louis sucking each other in that downtown gay club more seriously." Cara smirked, while the other two girls snorted at that, they too had heard about that rumor.

She always had suspicion about Harry and his best friend, Louis. Even though they weren't in the same school, they were pretty much attached at the hip, or the dick, who knows.

Harry laughed, and touching his chest in playful manner. "For you, I'll adjust everything."

Cara made vomiting gesture in front of him, that just causing everyone to laugh.

"Anyway... since you're here Delevingne, I might as well ask. I want to know whether you've asked the Queen Bitch yet, since you know... time is ticking," Harry said, smirking at Cara who had turned red.

"Why don't you fuck off!" Cara was fuming.

Harry just laughed while Suki and Jourdan were looking at each other, confused, but didn't say anything.

"Knowing you, you've probably chickened out and rather be safe than sorry right?" Harry grinned smugly. "That's so typical of you."

"Okay seriously what the hell are you two talking about?" Jourdan finally asked.

"Is this has something to do with Kendall ignoring you?" Suki innocently asked.

Cara groaned, somewhat regretted that she told mostly everything to both of her best friends. She completely embarrassed that Harry would catch on with it.

As predicted, Harry was laughing his ass off, at her.

"Oh.. my.. God... you've asked already?! Time to step up your game, Delevingne, she's quite an Ice Queen." Harry was still laughing.

Cara was so fucking furious at that moment, she threw her empty water bottle toward him and he just laughed even harder.

"Oh well time to go, nice to chat up with you ladies." He wiped his laughing tears with his thumb then winked and jogged away approaching one of Cara's track team member, Dakota.

What an asshole, seriously what did Kendall see from that loser?!  Cara scowled still watching him flirted with her team member.

She needed to warn Dakota about him, she seemed like a sweet, kind, innocent girl. Cara was still lost in her thought, when her two best friends nudged her.

"Cara, go take shower before you'll get sick, we'll wait for you at that café you've told us about last night," Jourdan told her, as she and Suki stood up ready to leave from Cara's school.

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