Mine (pt. 4) - Rewritten

Start from the beginning

“Do you act like this to everyone?!” Kendall started to get annoyed.

“Nah, just to the people I like to annoy the most,” Cara said innocently.

“Ugghh... Fuck off Delevingne! And stop saying nah!!” Kendall almost shouted as she walked away and bumped the shorter blonde’s shoulder out of her way.

Cara just laughed at Kendall’s attitude.

NAH, I’ll see you in Geometry, or shall I say, I’ll beat you in Geometry,” Cara said louder so Kendall could hear.

The brunette only responded with a middle finger gesture while continued walking, didn’t even bother to turn around.

Cara laughed even louder at that.


“How was it?” Cara turned around from her chair in front of her, after the Geometry test they just had.

Kendall rolled her eyes, this situation was so familiar it felt ridiculous to even replying the shorter blonde.

“Seriously? Get a life,” Kendall said.

“Oooh... I could sense a victory in the air. Mine that is, for you I could smell the failure from miles away.” Cara apparently had decided being extra annoying that day.

Kendall just chuckled, “Either you’re clinically insane or you’re just so obsessed with me. Either way, I don’t care.” She gave the blonde that sweet fake smile of hers.

Cara chuckled, then smirking as usual, “You really are scared huh?”

Kendall sighed, wanted to get this over it, “Fine, psycho. What do you wanna bet, again?” she finally asked.

Cara smiled so evilly, Kendall almost terrified with whatever the blonde was going to say. The brunette gulped, preparing whatever Cara had to said.

“How about....” Cara smirked, “When I win, you’ll do what I say, and when you win I’ll do what you say. As simple as that,” she said.

“That’s ......... so unexpected, but sure whatever, it’s not like you’re gonna win anyway,” Kendall said, confidently.

“We’ll see, Jenner. We’ll see.” Cara winked at her, like she was sure a hundred percent she was going to score higher than her.

For some reasons, Kendall scared she was going to lose this time.


A week had passed with Cara still being a nuisance here and there. Kendall was trying so hard to look irritated with her presence, even though secretly she was enjoying their bickering moments.

But no one needed to know that.

Then all they knew, it was Wednesday already, and once again they were sitting in their respective chair as Mr. Sheeran called each students in front of his desk, to receive their tests.

Kendall looked at her grade and smirked: 98.

She had it in the bag. Sure it was slightly lower than her previous test score, but there was no way Cara could beat that. Cara was smart, but she didn’t work as hard as Kendall did.

When it was Cara turned to receive hers, Kendall watched her with a smile.

When Cara grinned, Kendall’s smile faded. For some reason the blonde’s grin was different than usual. For once, she was actually scared Cara might actually win this.

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