Meeting At VidCon

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You were a YouTuber.

You absolutely loved making videos, and other people seemed to really enjoy them. You were one of the most popular YouTubers, and you had over 5 million subscribers.

You didn't do many things that included making money, since you really just wanted to make videos for the fun of it.

You loved it when people would send you their fan art and gifts.

But some people, shipped you and another YouTuber together. And his name was Leo Valdez. He was, also, a popular YouTuber.

And, some of your fans had found Leo's channel.

Then, the shipping began. People began to make fan art of the both of you, and neither of you knew the other in real life.

Sometimes, you would collab and talk over Skype, but you never met in person.

You, honestly, started to actually like Leo, but you never told anybody. But, VidCon was coming up. And you were both going.

Meaning, that you would both meet each other, for the first time.

All of yours and Leo's fans were going wild, since they shipped the both of you so much. And, to make it even better for the fans, you were both doing a panel together.

And the day of VidCon, was today.

You were in your hotel, getting ready to enter VidCon. You were bringing a small bag, for your camera and phone.

You were also going to meet Leo for the first time.

And you were going to literally hang out all day. Since you actually liked him, you were more than nervous.

But, you still had a panel to do.

You stood up and looked at your appearance. It was exceptional. Then, you opened your hotel door, closed it behind you, and walked to the center where VidCon was being held.

Along the way, you met a lot of your fans.

They took pictures with you, you signed stuff, and they questioned you about the panel with Leo. You just told them that it was a surprise, and walked away.

Eventually, you got inside.

You had to looked for Leo, since you had to stick together. You dodged multiple fans, and looked for the famous Latino.

Soon, you spotted him talking to some YouTubers.

You took a deep breathe and went up to Leo. You poked his shoulder and he turned around. "Hey, Leo!" Leo gave you a bright smile and said, "Oh my gosh, hey, y/n!"

You both hugged each other, and you tried hard not to fangirl.

You and Leo took some pictures and then set off to greet your fans and shippers. A lot of your fans had fangirl and fanboy attacks when they saw you both together.

Soon, you and Leo were taking pictures, signing people's shirts, and hugging the heck out of your fans.

When you both weren't mobbed by your fans, you and Leo started to catch up and talk about random things. Soon, you both became good friends.

Then, it was time for your panel.

You and Leo stood backstage, nervous. This was your first panel, not to mention your first time together.

Once you were both announced, you both walked onto stage.

Instantly, the room was filled with high pitched screams, and people calling your names. You and Leo smiled at your crazy fans and sat down.

You both talked about your channels, how you adored your fans, and answered some questions from your fans.

Leo would sometimes flirt with you, resulting in you blushing and your fans going absolutely nuts.

Some asked if the ship of you both was real, but you and Leo wouldn't answer.

Soon, you were both done. The panel lasted for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. You and Leo were starting to become exhausted.

After that, you both greeted more fans and signed more things and took more pictures.

Later that night, Leo had opted to walk you to your hotel room. So, you both walked down the many streets and entered your hotel.

You both entered the elevator and the doors slowly closed. Once the elevator started moving, you and Leo stood in an awkward silence.

Once in a while, you would look at each other and smile.

The doors soon opened and you both walked to your hotel room. You reached your room and opened the door.

Suddenly, you got an idea.

You looked back at Leo and asked, "You wanna come in and watch movies, or something?" Leo nodded and walked inside.

You both sat on your bed and turned on the TV.

You started a random movie and went into the kitchenette to grab snacks. You gave Leo a bag of chips and watched the movie.

Half way through, you began to feel tired from walking all day.

So, you leaned your head on Leo's shoulder, and began to slowly fall asleep. Leo was startled by your sudden action, which resulted in him blushing a deep red.

Soon, you fell asleep on Leo.

But he didn't mind. Leo stayed up and watched the movie and ate his chips. Once the movie ended, Leo woke you up.

You slowly opened your eyes and muttered, "What time is it..?"

Leo looked at the clock and said, "1:03 in the morning.." You sighed and sat up. You yawned and said, "You should be going now."

Leo nodded and walked to your door, with you right behind him.

Leo turned and said, "Thanks for letting me stay for a bit." You nodded and said, "No problem." Leo awkwardly coughed and said, "Well, goodbye.."

You waved and Leo started to walk off.

But, he stopped. Leo turned back at you and asked, "Do you ship us together?" You blushed and didn't answer.

You gulped and asked, "Do you?"

Leo shrugged and stayed quiet. You both stood in your doorway, silent. Suddenly, Leo leaned in and kissed you.

He pulled away and you were confused.

Leo gave you a small smile and said, "Yes, I do." You blushed and muttered, "I do, too.." Leo kissed you on the cheek and said, "I'll be back here, tomorrow."

You smiled and nodded.

Then, Leo walked off. Later that night, both you and Leo tweeted that the ship between you both was starting to happen.

Twitter crashed.

I know that this isn't really good, and that it's kind of rushed. I apologize.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now