First Argument

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You were lazily laying on your bed. You had nothing to do and it was your free hour. You decided to visit your boyfriend, Leo.

You got up and just put on a jacket.

You walked to his cabin and knocked on the door. The door opened and you smiled. Harley had answered. "Hi, y/n! What do you need?" You just smiled and ruffled Harley's hair. He had so much resemblance to Leo and you thought he was absolutely adorable.

"I was wondering where Leo was. Is he in there?"

Harley looked behind him and said, "No, brother Leo isn't here. But check in the bunker. He may be in there!"

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks, Harley!"

You ran to the bunker and entered the password. The door opened and you wandered in. You walked to the end of the bunker and saw Leo hunched over a desk.

You decided to scare him so you quietly walked to his chair.

You went right behind him and yelled, "HI!"

Leo screamed and turned around. He saw you and instantly hid an object behind his back. He smiled and said, "Don't do that, y/n!"

You slightly frowned. The smile on Leo's face was forced, you could tell. And the object behind his back was bugging you.

"What's that?"

You tried to look over his shoulder but he just moved. "Oh, just some crappy project. You wouldn't wanna see it." You decided to take desperate measures. You bent down and whispered something in his ear.

Leo's face turned red and he started stuttering. You quickly grabbed the object and put it behind your back.

Leo's eyes widened and he said, "No, y/n, give it back!"

You turned your back on him and looked at the object.

It was a compass. You raised an eyebrow and tried to think about why he would hide this form you. It clicked.

Percy had mentioned a girl named Calypso and something about an island that couldn't be found. Leo was trying to get to her island. First of all, you almost laughed at his attempt to get to the island. A simple compass wouldn't work. Second, your heart shattered.

"You're going back to that chic's island, aren't you..."

Leo tensed up and said, "Y-y/n, just give the compass back to me.." You turned around and glared at him. You poked a finger into his chest and said, "So, you're gonna cheat on me with some island goddess behind my back? And you were going to leave without me knowing?"

Leo backed up into his desk and said, "Look, I swore on the River Styx that I would go back to her."

You had to mention it. "But a simple compass won't work! Besides, the fact that you've been really working hard on this means that you really want to go back for her, not because of your swear."

Leo started getting annoyed. "Y/n, it's not like that.."

And you were getting pissed. "That's what all guys say! I'm really starting to think that you like this girl more than you love me!"

"Well, maybe I do! Maybe I do actually like more more than I ever loved you!"

That single sentence crushed your whole heart into nonexistent pieces.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you said, "Well, fine then! GO BACK FOR HER! FORGET I EVEN EXIST! I DON'T CARE! TAKE THIS STUPID COMPASS WITH YOU!"

You shoved the compass into his hands and stormed towards the door.

Your jacket got caught on something and you tugged furiously at it, wanting to get as far from Leo as possible. 

You pulled harder and it suddenly let go. You flew back and collapsed against something cold. You suddenly felt excruciating pain and you let out a pained scream. You looked down and saw a blade sticking out of your chest.

You saw blood staining your shirt. You tried to sit up and pull the sword out but ended up hurting yourself even more.

You screamed and looked at Leo.

He was sadly looking at you and tears were going down his face. He turned back to his desk and bent over the compass. More tears fell down your cheeks as you tried to pull away.

Your vision started becoming fuzzy.

You tried again and again but gave up. You suddenly felt the sword being removed which resulted in more pain.

You screamed. You suddenly felt something kiss your cheek. You faintly heard, "I'm so sorry, y/n...." 

You blacked out.


You woke up in the infirmary. You looked to your left and saw Leo, asleep in a chair.

You resisted the urge to slap him but then realized he had saved you from dying. You looked at your chest and saw bloody bandages. 

You heard Leo groan and stir. You looked at him and saw him rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, you're awake."

You crossed your arms and said, "Yeah. What does it mean to you.." You felt the mattress move and saw Leo sitting on your bed.

"Look, y/n. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to show you the compass that way. It's just that, I have to go back for her.."

You looked away from him and frowned.

You felt someone kiss you cheek and you turned to see Leo sadly looking at you.

"It's not that I don't love you. I promise that I'll come back. I just have to bring her back here." You slowly nodded and looked down at your chest.

"But what if you're really in love with her.."

Leo heard you and frowned. "I would never love anyone more than you, y/n." "But what about what you said-"

"I was just frustrated. I would never say that to you, even if I was really angry with you."

You felt him grab your hand and you squeezed your eyes shut. Tears rolled down your face and you squeezed his hand.

"I'm so sorry, Leo..."

You started hiccuping and Leo crawled into your bed and sat next to you.

He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. His heat always seemed to calm you down. He used his other arm to hug you closer. You guys cuddled there until Leo said, "I'll be leaving in a few days. I swear on the River Styx that I'll come back for you."

You nodded.

You heard Leo snort and say, "I can't believe I actually thought a compass would work.."

You laughed and said, "You're such an idiot.." Leo nodded and hugged you closer. "Yeah, but I'll always be your idiot."

Being in his warm embrace, you fell back asleep.

Before you started snoring you felt Leo lean closer to your ear. You heard him whisper,

"I swear on the River Styx."

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