Perfect Together

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I have lately become completely obsessed with Rosanna Pansino's original song "Perfect Together." So, here's a oneshot with it! Again, this is by Rosanna Pansino, who has a YouTube channel. (It's Rosanna Pansino) You should really check her out, she's amazing. Enjoy!

You walked up to your school, very nervous.

It was prom night. And you were wearing a dress, which you didn't normally do. But hey, it was prom and you were excited.

You had come with your date, Isaac.

He wasn't your first choice, but hey, he had asked you and you needed a date. Isaac walked beside you and asked, "Ready to go inside?"

You nodded and you both walked into the school's gym, where the dance was being held.

As you entered the gym, everyone stopped dancing and looked at the both of you. Isaac was one of the most popular guys in school, so everyone knew him.

Isaac smiled and you both continued walking.

Then you tripped on your dress. You fell onto the ground and everyone burst into laughter.

You sat up and reached for Isaac's hand, so that he could pull you up. He was gone. You looked for him and saw him walking off, with another girl. He was embarrassed of you.

You rolled your eyes and tried to stand.

You suddenly saw a hand reach out in front of you. You looked up and saw a familiar face. It was Leo Valdez.

He was in your math class, but that was about it.

You weren't best friends, but you were friends.

You smiled and he smiled back. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up. You thanked him and he walked back to his group of friends.

The dance started again and you stood there, without a date.

So, you did the reasonable thing. You went to the food table.

If you were the popcorn, I would be the movie

If you were strawberries then, I would be the smoothie

If you were October, I'd be apple cider

And if you were the waffle fries then, I would be the slider

As you ate a piece of brownie, you looked over to where Leo went.

He looked over at you, smiled, and waved. You smiled back and waved. Leo grinned and pointed to your teeth.

You realized that there was chocolate stuck in the middle of your teeth.

You blushed and covered your mouth. You saw Leo laugh and turn back to his friends. You smiled at how adorable Leo was and resumed eating your brownie.

Cause you and me

We make each other better

We may not be perfect

But we're perfect together

You wiped your hands on a napkin and spotted the cakes.

You walked over and sniffed them. Chocolate. You hummed and looked up. Leo smiled at you, again, and pointed to your nose.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora