Do It For Him (Midpoint)

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This is after Esperanza died but before the war with Gaea. So the midpoint of that Steven Universe oneshot. Enjoy!

You screamed and swung your sword at the wall. It embedded itself in the wall and wouldn't come back out.

You let out a choked cry and fell to the floor.

Your trainer, and close "family" member, Esperanza had died. You guys had been training outside in the forest and an actual monster had found you.

Leo was there as well, but Esperanza pushed you two away.

She forced you two to run away, and she killed the monster. But she had sacrificed herself. And you blamed yourself.

She had been training you so that you could protect Leo.

If you couldn't protect your own trainer, then how were you going to protect Leo?

Your bedroom door slammed open and Leo ran inside. He saw you on the floor, sobbing and ran to you. He looked at you sword in the wall and looked down at you.

"Calm down, y/n. Breathe, breathe."

Leo hugged you close to his body while you hiccuped, trying to breathe. You felt the heat radiating off of his body and you calmed down. Tears still spilled down your face and you sniffled. Leo suddenly said, "Calmarse y respirar. Estoy aquí para ti."

(Calm down and breathe. I'm here for you.)

You understood Spanish because of Esperanza, as well. That just made more tears spill.

Leo hugged you even closer and you rested your head in the crook of his neck.

"I-it was all my fault.."

Leo looked down at you and said, "If you're still talking about my mom's death, no it wasn't." You looked up at Leo and your eyes widened.

His expression was angry.

You opened your mouth to speak but Leo said, "I'm sick and tired of you saying her death was your fault. It wasn't. If we wouldn't have run, we would both be dead, along with Esperanza. She would have been gone either way"

You looked down at the floor as Leo said, "It wasn't your fault. Everything happens for a reason."

You looked back up at him and said, "She trained me so that I could protect you in battle." You suddenly remembered her death.

You squeezed your eyes shut and screamed, "IF I CAN'T PROTECT HER, HOW CAN I EVEN PROTECT YOU?!"

Leo looked down at you and grit his teeth. You noticed that he was crying.

"Just stop blaming yourself... It was not your fault. So, just shut up about it being your fault," he said through his teeth.

You both sat on the floor in silence.

Leo suddenly lifted your head so that you looked at him.

You watched as each individual tear fell down his face. "My mother is proud of you, y/n. She wouldn't want you to give up."

He wiped your tears and stood up.

He held out his hand and said, "So, I'll be your new trainer."

You sniffled and grabbed his hand. He hauled you up and grabbed your sword. He pulled it out of the wall and gave it to you.

He pulled out a hammer out of his tool belt and said, "Let's begin."

You both crossed weapons and you remembered Esperanza's training. Tears ran down your face but you weren't going to let that distract you from training. You also remembered a song she sang to you...

"You do it for him, and you would do it again. You do it for her, that is to say, you'll do it for him."

Leo smiled at you and sang, "Keep your stance wide, keep your body lowered. As you're moving forward balance is the key."

He swung and you blocked and swung back at him.

You continued to swing at each other and practice different techniques. You both continued to sing each line after each other, in perfect harmony. Both in singing and swinging. 

When you reached the last lines, you and Leo were done with crying and blaming yourselves.

You were swinging and singing perfectly.

You decided to change some of the last lyrics. "I can do it for you, we can do it for her." You blocked and flipped over Leo's shoulder.

Leo swung and sang, "Okay now do it again."

You swung as Leo continued, "You can do it for her, now you say."

You swung and Leo swung at the same time. You crossed swords and you continued to push each other. You pulled all of your strength into your final push as you pushed Leo to the floor.

You pointed your sword at him and sang,

"I'll do it for you."

Leo smiled and said, "Bien hecho, hermana. Estoy muy orgulloso de ti." (Well done, sister. I'm very proud of you.)

You smiled and helped him up.

"Lo siento por el amor de antes ..."

(I'm sorry for crying earlier...)

Leo hugged you and said, "It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay now.." You hugged him closer and Leo rested his head in your hair.

"I'm ready to fight by your side, Leo. No matter what."

Leo just smiled and hugged your closer. But deep down he knew,

A war was coming.

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