Intro and Extroverts

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You were sitting alone in your cabin. You were a daughter of g/p/n and all your siblings were out and about. 

Even if they were inside the cabin, you wouldn't be talking to them. You were to awkward, or that's what you thought, to even talk to them. You were an introvert.

Sure, you talked to others on campus, but you never went to parties or social events. You liked to just observe and learn. You were friends with some extroverts but not many. But you did have a crush on a certain extrovert. Leo Valdez.

He was very, very extroverted. And cute, well, to you. He'd be really friendly to anybody and just be downright crazy. You have had a crush on him for a few months, and you doubted that he liked you back. 

Now, Leo, was indeed an extrovert. He'd be happy all the time, prank people all the time, and just joke around 24/7. 

But you did know that he did in fact have an introvert side. It just didn't show all the time. He only let it show to those who were close to him. And you weren't one of those people. You just saw him talking with somebody that you can't remember and don't want to remember. (Calypso) You just remember that person not caring.

Anyway, your some of your siblings knew about your crush, and they said he liked you. You'd ask them why and they'd say the same things: He glances at you, stares at you, sometimes smiles at you from a distance, and always looks for where you are. 

But you still didn't think so. That was until one day.

You were walking across campus, looking for your best friend, Annabeth. She said that she had something important to tell you and to meet her at the shore.

You reached the shore and looked around for her. She wasn't there. Hurry up, Annabeth. I really don't wanna be here, you thought, frantically looking around.

You decided to look at the ocean and watch the waves crash onto the sand. Then that reminded you of Annabeth and Percy. Oh, how you thought that they were a perfect couple. You wished Leo liked you back but knew that that would never happen.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and you jumped. You turned around and almost screamed. It was Leo. 

"Um.. Hey, y/n," Leo quietly said. You tried to stop your stuttering and said, "H-hey Leo."

He smiled and you gave him a look like, Why are you here, notthatI'mcomplainingoranything.

He seemed to get the look, even the last part, and said, "Annabeth said you'd be here." You smiled and thought, I'm gonna kill you, Annabeth. "Oh, okay."

You both stood there in awkward silence, you wishing that you could just leave.

"So, there's been something that I've been meaning to tell you.."

You looked at Leo's face and your eyes widened. Leo continued. "I wanted to tell you that I have a huge crush on you."

You almost died. You tried to say words but failed. 

Leo sheepishly smiled and said, "So, what do you say? Wanna be my girlfriend?"

You tried to speak but ended up nodding. Leo grinned and said, "Alright, then! Well, I've got to get back to my cabin so, I'll see you later, girlfriend."

He turned to walk away and you grabbed his shoulder. It was now or never.

You turned him around and kissed him. He seemed surprised and you instantly regret what you did. You were going to pull away but Leo put his hand behind your neck and kissed you back.

Your eyes widened as you looked at Leo's face. His eyes were closed and he was kissing you back. You decided to just go with it.

You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. At that moment, you became Leo's girlfriend. You guys stood on the beach, kissing, for the rest of the night.

*Next day*

Okay, that was overexaggerated. You guys only kissed for 5 minutes. Then you both quickly pecked each other's lips and left.

Anyway, the next day, you knocked on the Athena cabin and Annabeth answered.

"Oh, hey-" You jumped on her and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Annabeth rolled her eyes and stood up. "No problem, y/n." Leo walked in and leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah, thanks Annabeth. If you didn't trick y/n, we wouldn't be dating." Annabeth grinned and said, "Yeah, I'm awesome. You guys will be the perfect couple, don't worry."

And she was right. Nobody thought that when an introvert and extrovert dated, it would work out. It did because you balanced out Leo's crazy side and he did the same for you.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt