Childhood Crush

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First Grade

You were 6 years old and in first grade. You were one of the smartest kids in your class. You had many friends and the teacher loved you. You had only had a few crushes in kindergarten, many even only 2. This year, you met a boy in your class name Leo. You guys became friends and hung out every day. You, on one hand, thought of Leo as a friend. Leo, on the other hand, formed a small crush on you.

Second Grade

During this grade, a lot of your friends were in different classes. Except for Leo. He was in your class again and he was your only friend. So, you guys hung out even more. You guys played with each other and became best friends. Leo's crush on you grew as the year prospered. 

Leo started going on vacations to Hawaii and he would bring you back gifts like necklaces. People made fun of you two and said that you liked each other. You, being only 7, were still oblivious to him liking you. Leo denied everything, along with you. That didn't stop people from teasing you.

Third Grade

You made lots of new friends in your new class. Leo was again in your class. Although you hung out with him less, you guys were still best friends.

Leo would go on vacations and cruises a lot more and bring you back gifts every time. You were starting to think he liked you. People teased you guys still, and you still told them that you didn't like him. Leo tried hard to deny everything. 

You endured a friendship crisis with your new friends and hung out with Leo once again.

Fourth Grade

Leo was again in your class. His crush on you was growing with every school year. You met your best friend, b/f/n, who is still your current best friend.

You still hung out with Leo, although not as much as before. He still did the usual, going on vacations and buying you stuff. You treasured the gifts since they were from a dear friend of yours. 

You and your new friend group all believed that now Leo liked you. People teased him but he still denied. He made it super obvious yet he kept denying.

You found it slightly adorable that he might have liked you for a long time. 

Leo invited you to his birthday but you couldn't attend.

Fifth Grade

You talked to Leo on the first day and found out that he was in your class. Not surprised, you walked away to hang out with your friend group. 

Leo brought back more gifts and decided to make a move. He asked you if you wanted to go on a cruise with him and his family.

You being only 10, you told him that you couldn't. Even though he was your best friend, you felt that your parents wouldn't let you go. You later found out that he was going to a different middle school, so this was the last time you would see him.

On Valentine's Day, he came to school and gave you a toy rose. You were flattered and told him thanks. Leo then later confessed that he had a crush on you ever since first grade. He had tried very hard to keep it a secret, but in your head, you thought, It was obvious, Leo. C'mon.

You guys hung out once in a while, but you were still best friends. 

It was on the last day of school, when it happened.

Y/N's P.O.V

Today was fifth grade graduation and I was super nervous. I saw Leo and walked over to him. I'd known him since first grade and he confessed to me a few months ago. 

"Hey, Leo!"

He saw me and smiled. "Hey, y/n! You nervous?"

I nodded and smiled. I was super happy to know that he liked me because I had a crush on him also. What was sad, was that he was moving after graduation.

I had to make a move.

~After Graduation Ceremony~

You ran away from your family, looking for Leo. You spotted him talking to his friends and you tapped his shoulder.

"Could I talk to you for a second," you asked.

Leo nodded and followed you to the food table. "Look, Leo. When you confessed to me, I was really flattered. I forgot to mention that I have feelings for you, too."

Leo's eyes widened and he grinned. "I was going to ask you out, but then I found out that you were moving," you went on.

Leo put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, I would have been glad to go out with you, if I wasn't moving. How about we stay best friends?"

Your heart slightly shattered. Leo saw your expression sadden because he said, "When I come back, how about we go out then?"

You smiled and nodded. Your family was calling you and you had to leave. You kissed Leo on the cheek and said, "Goodbye, Leo."

As you walked away, you heard Leo say, "See you soon!"

*End of Flashback*

You are now in 7th grade. Leo is attending another middle school not to far from yours. It has been 2 years since you guys have talked.

You're wondering if he got over you, or is still waiting for you to become his girlfriend.

You smile as you remember Leo saying, "When I come back, how about we go out then?" He didn't say "if", he had said "when."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora