I Love You

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You had run away from Leo.

You had seen him laughing with some girl who was his old childhood friend and it made you break down. You only thought of one place to run, and it was the cemetery. While Leo's back was turned, you had walked away and run.

He didn't notice until a few minutes later that you were gone.

You could run extremely fast, so you got to the cemetery in a heart beat. Leo left the girl he was talking to and ran to look for you.

He was terrified that you got jealous and that he made you feel upset. He knew you and knew that you would have gone to the cemetery. He ran in and looked for you. After about 10 minutes of searching, he saw you.

He walked up to you and saw that you were at your mother's grave. And you were crying.

Leo knelt down beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He pulled you close, not caring that you ran away from him for a few seconds.

You sniffled and muttered, "I wish R.I.P meant 'return if possible...'" 

That broke Leo's heart. He pulled you closer and muttered, "It's okay. She's still with us." A few tears ran down your face as you just leaned against his shoulder.

"She promised not to leave me..."

Leo just said, "Shh," over and over again. You suddenly remembered why you ran there and broke down into tears. Leo turned you and looked at your tear stained face. "Why are you crying?"

You tried to breathe and said, "Because you don't love me."

Leo was, again, heart broken. "Why would you think that?" "You seemed so happy with that girl. S-so I just ran here."

Leo was right. And it sucked.

"I would never love anyone over you, y/n." You sniffled and tried to protest. You couldn't breathe and decided to calm down. After a while, you slowly muttered, "I love you."

Leo slightly smiled to himself and said, "I love you, too."

You looked up at him and said, "Prove it. Scream it to the world." Leo could tell that you were dead serious.

So, Leo did just that.

He leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I love you."

You looked at him, confused, and asked, "Why'd you whisper it to me?" Leo smiled and hugged you even closer.

"Because you're my world."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora