Pet Sitting

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Yay, another long chapter!

You and Leo decided to take the job. You both hated the babysitting but decided to try babysitting a pet. The flyer didn't specify what pet was supposed to be taken care of, but you both hoped it was something small and easy.

After you called the house and were interviewed, you both got the job.

"Hope this isn't as bad as the kids," you said. Leo nodded and said, "I hope we get a bird or something."

Leo knocked on the door and a couple showed up. "Hello, you must be the pet sitters!" 

"Yup, that's us," you said, smiling. The couple let you inside and filled you in.

Apparently, the couple's names were Pia and Lou. They were going to be gone most of the day and were not sure when they would return. But they did say that they would pay you guys the same as the babysitter, $15 per hour. Then they left.

"Alright, where is this little pet," Leo said, rubbing his hands together. You suddenly heard a noise come from a closed door and you yelped. Leo snorted and said, "Aww, my girlfriend is a little wuss, isn't she?" You frowned and slapped his arm. "Let's just see the pet," you grumbled.

You slowly reached for the door handle and opened the door. You both gasped as you saw a dog slowly walk out. It wasn't huge but it wasn't small, either.

"Well, it isn't a bird, but it's something," Leo said. You reached down to pet the dog and it happily let you. You looked at the dog tag and saw that the name was Sammy.

You bent down and saw that it was indeed a male. "Alright, his name is Sammy." Leo bent down and pet Sammy. Sammy licked his hand and sat down. 

"Well this shouldn't be hard," you happily said. "Money here we come!"

You both walked into the kitchen, Sammy following you at your heels. You spotted a list on the fridge and read aloud, "List of chores: Take Sammy for walk, feed Sammy lunch, bathe Sammy, take Sammy outside for bathroom, put Sammy to bed (close door)."

"Sounds easy enough," Leo said. You looked at the clock and said, "Let's take him for a walk!"

Sammy's Walk

You went into the garage and grabbed his leash. "Sammy! Come here!" Sammy ran over and sat by your legs. You attached the leash as Leo opened the garage. 

"Do you have the bags for the droppings," you asked. Leo nodded and held them up.

You both walked out of the garage, closed it, and started walking down the block. You noticed that the street was very quiet, and nobody was outside. You felt Leo's hand lace with yours and felt him squeeze it lightly. You squeezed Leo's hand back and continued walking the dog.

Sammy went into the grass and started sniffing around. He did his business and Leo went to pick up the mess. He threw away the bag and you started walking. 

In the distance, you noticed that another dog was going to pass by. You tightened the leash and quickened your pace. The other dog was a pit bull.

As you passed, the pit bull growled at Sammy and your grip tightened on the leash. "Calm down, y/n. The dog is gone," Leo said. You sighed and turned around, starting the walk back to the house.

You gave the leash to Leo and walked by his side. You and Leo were busy staring off into the distance, when Sammy went and peed on Leo's foot. 

"Hey!" Leo gave the leash to you and looked at his shoe. Some of the pee went into the shoe. "Are you okay," you asked. Leo nodded and you walked Sammy back to the house.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now