Valentines Day (1K Views)

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Oh my god, guys! This book has reached 1K reads!! I cannot believe I reached this milestone! Thank you guys so much for the support! 

Thank you guys so much, once again, and enjoy!!

Love you guys,

Cinnamon and Leo

You and Leo were best friends. You guys had known each other ever since first grade. You have also been in the same class ever since.

You and Leo were in fifth grade when that amazing moment happened. It was Valentines Day and Leo was going to do it that day.

He was going to confess his feelings for you.

Everyone in the whole grade suspected that he liked you, but he denied everything even though it was obvious. He would bring you back gifts from vacations and even invite you on cruises. He had only told his best friend, Jason, about his crush on you. Even you suspected that he liked you.

A lot.

You were talking with your friends when the bell rang. You walked to class with a few friends and waited for your teacher to open the door.

Leo tapped your shoulder and gave you a rose. You took it and slightly blushed.

"Happy Valentines Day!"

You smiled at Leo and said, "Thanks! Happy Valentines Day!"

Your friends snickered and grinned at you. You glared at them and looked back at Leo. He blushed and went with his friends.

You hung onto the rose for the rest of the day.

People asked who gave it to you and when you told them, they weren't surprised.

You were very flattered and Leo was just half way done.

~After School~

You and Leo walked together after school. You had to pick up your sister from her classroom and Leo had to exit through the back. You both walked the same way so you always walked together.

You had the rose in your hand and you and Leo were talking away.

Before you reached your sister's classroom, Leo stopped you.

"I need to tell you something." You looked at him and softly smiled. "What is it?"

Leo smiled and said, "I have to tell you a secret."

You nodded and said, "You can tell me." You gripped the rose, knowing what was coming.

"Me and Jason are the ones who only know this. I have liked you ever since first grade, y/n." You knew it. Inside, you were screaming about how obvious he made it.

But on the outside, you were blushing.

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I like you, too. Happy Valentines Day!" You then waved goodbye and went to pick up your sister.

Leo walked to his car, grinning like an idiot. He just got himself a girlfriend.

~8 Years later~

You put the last of the boxes onto the floor.

You were moving into your new dorm at your new college, (college name).

After unpacking everything, you sat down at your new desk. You picked up a picture and smiled. It was of you and Leo, back in fifth grade.

You were 10 when that picture was taken, and now, you were both 18.

You set the picture down and sighed.

You and Leo had been dating for 8 years. But now, you were going long distance since you had different colleges.

But Leo had promised to you that your relationship would work out. You blushed as you remembered the last thing he said to you before he boarded his plane to leave for his college.

"When I get back, you better be waiting for me, Mrs. Valdez."

He had then kissed you and went inside of his plane.

You turned and looked at the object on your window. It was a glass vase. Inside the vase, was the rose he had given you 8 years ago, fully bloomed.

You touched the petals and said, "I miss you already, Valdez."

Suddenly, your phone buzzed. You looked at the lock screen and grinned.

"Hey! Miss you already! Video chat with me! <3 - Leo"

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora