Leo Went Yandere (Part 2)

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This was requested by unrealistic_NOT. Enjoy!

Leo had locked you in your apartment.

He didn't care that he had killed all of your male friends. He still feared that your female friends would take you away from him.

And he would not have that.

So, Leo had locked all of the windows and doors, and let the house become almost completely dark, besides some candles he had set out.

And, he wouldn't allow you to leave the bed.

Leo would bring you water and food, and he would offer to watch movies and TV with you, but he had taken away your phone and all communication with the outside world.

You would beg him to let you go outside but Leo would just smirk and say that you being locked up was for your own good.

One day, Leo opened your shared bedroom's door and closed it behind him.

He had brought you your lunch and glass of water. Leo sat on the bed next to you and smirked. "Hello, dearest. It's time for you to eat your lunch."

You didn't respond.

You just stared at your hands, and wondered what had happened to Leo.

Leo shook his head and grabbed your lunch, which was a bowl of soup. "Come on, sweetheart. Talk to me."

You stayed still and silent.

Leo sighed and picked up the spoon. He filled it with soup and held it in front of your face.

"Eat up, dearest." You didn't move. Leo rolled his eyes and said, "Stop being stubborn and eat, honey."

You didn't do anything.

Leo finally gave up on waiting and tilted your head back. He opened your mouth and dropped the soup into your mouth.

He then closed your mouth and tilted your head back even more, causing you to swallow.

He let go and smirked at you.

"Good girl, y/n." You continued wondering how Leo became murderous and twisted, and you wondered why you had to end up like this.

Then, you started crying.

Leo raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you.. crying?"

You let out a choked cry and mumbled something Leo didn't hear. "What did you say?" You sniffed and said, "Please, let me go.."

Leo chuckled and lifted your head, so that you were looking at him.

He smirked and said, "I don't think so, sweetheart. You're staying in here, with me." You let more tears fall as you mumbled, "I hate it in here... I want to go outside.."

Leo shook his head and let go of your face.

He got up, grabbed your, still full, bowl of soup and said, "I'll leave you alone." He then walked out of your bedroom, leaving you in the very dim light.

A few hours later, Leo came back in, his shirt stained with blood.

He sat down next to you and laughed to himself. "Some mailman came to drop off a package for you. But don't worry.."

Leo smirked at you and said, "He won't interrupt our love any longer. He's all taken care of."

You sniffed and made no other noise.

Leo sighed and gently lay your head on his legs. You both sat there, in silence. You would occasionally let out a shaky breathe, but that was all.

Soon, you mumbled, "Leo..?"

Leo looked down at you and said, "Yes?" You quietly asked, "You love me, right..?" Leo smiled and said, "Of course, I do."

You shakingly said, "Then please let me outside.."

Leo stayed silent for a few seconds before saying, "I love you with all of my heart, y/n. But you can't go outside.."

Tears started to fall, again, and Leo started to run his fingers through your hair.

That used to always calm you down, but now, it just scared you. It scared you to think that Leo acted like this was normal.

Suddenly, you raised your voice.

"Why are you like this..?" Leo raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean?" "Y-you used to be so nice to be around... You used to be so loving and... Now, you're like this..."

Leo shook his head and said, "I'm like "this" because people kept trying to interrupt our relationship. but, now.."

And, when you thought Leo couldn't become any more sinister..

"Nobody can interrupt us.."

Leo then leaned down and kissed your forehead. You started to squirm but Leo held you down. Soon enough, Leo yawned and fell asleep.

You knew that the time was now.

You slowly got up from his lap and went to the door. You slowly opened the door and closed it behind you. Then, you sprint for the front door.

When you reached it, you saw that the door's lock was broken off.

Your face paled and you ran to the nearest window. It was jammed shut. Suddenly, you heard Leo yell, "YOU CAN'T HIDE FOR LONG, SWEETHEART!"

You suddenly became beyond scared. You were terrified once more, and you ran into the nearest hiding spot.

The closet.

You hid behind Leo's coats and stayed silent. You heard footsteps nearby, and held you held your breathe.

You suddenly heard the footsteps go into another room.

You decided to change hiding spots. You opened the door and stepped out. Instantly, you felt arms go around your waist.

You screamed and started struggling.

Leo carried you back into the room and locked the door. He threw you onto the bed and said, "You aren't getting away, again.."

He smirked then started maniacally laughing.

Suddenly he became silent. Leo suddenly appeared in front of you. He smirked and whispered, "You're going to stay here with me... Unless, you want to have a bad time.."

You couldn't help but shudder, from how close he was to your lips and how creepy he was being.

Then he leaned in, and everything went dark.

(And then this is what Leo would have looked like)

(And then this is what Leo would have looked like)

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Yay, go Undertale, Genocide route, references.

Don't know if this is what you wanted, but hope you liked it.

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