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Yay, 70 parts. I update way too much... Anyway, enjoy!

You had a huge crush on Leo Valdez.

You'd think that there was no problem with that, right? Wrong. Leo Valdez was the biggest player known at Camp Half-Blood. Camp may even be an under statement. 

Anyway, he'd date a girl for about half a week then dump her. He only went for the Aphrodite girls. Once he dated all of those, the next prettiest cabin.

When he didn't try, he already had girls at his heels. When he tried, he even had some guys after him.

Your friends told you that liking him was a mistake, but you didn't listen.

You didn't know why you liked him but you couldn't stop. When he'd dump girls, they'd always be super happy because they dated the Leo Valdez. They wouldn't be sad or anything. You considered yourself to be unappealing so you knew that he'd never go out with you.

That all changed.

One day, you were walking back from training. All of a sudden, you were pulled into the forest. A hand covered your mouth before you could scream.

"Shhh, be quiet."

You stopped. You knew that voice anywhere. It was Leo.

He took away his hand and you asked, "What're you doing?" Leo shoved his hands in his jacket's pockets and muttered something.


"Will you go out with me.."

Your eyes widened as you took it all in. Leo was asking you out. Why was Leo Valdez asking you out. Your mouth ran faster than your mind so you ended up asking, "Why me? Why not some other pretty girl?"

Leo just shrugged. "Just go out with me."

You decided that it was all or nothing. "Fine." Leo just nodded and said, "I'll walk you back to your cabin."

As you both walked to your cabin, multiple girls glared and stared at you.

Some were confused, some were mad, some were happy.

You felt slightly uncomfortable with all the attention. When you reached your cabin, your instincts took over.

You kissed Leo on the cheek and quickly said, "Thanks."

You then went into your cabin and slammed the door. You slid down and sat against the door. "What did I just do," you muttered. You just kissed Leo Valdez on the cheek and became his girlfriend.

Well, his temporary girlfriend. But you didn't care, you just kissed him on the cheek.

Leo had a similar reaction.

He walked back to his bunker, multiple girls walking around him. They all eventually left and Leo went inside.

He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. He was confused.

Why did y/n just kiss me on the cheek? What is this I'm feeling? Why did I ask her out? Leo's eyes suddenly widened. Do I actually like y/n

Leo shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"I like y/n.."

"I-I can't. Why would I like her out of all those other girls..."

"Because I find her attractive, that's why..."

"Hey, bro! You're talking to yourself!" "Shut up, Nyssa!" The girl left the door of the bunker and went back to the cabin.

Leo looked at his boots and muttered, "I like y/n.."

~Few Days Later~

You and Leo were walking back from breakfast. 

For the past few days, you and Leo would walk everywhere together. Girls would regularly glare at you and Leo holding hands.

You would kiss his cheek sometimes and Leo would occasionally put an arm around your shoulder.

Today, you were both acting really awkward, more awkward than usual. You and Leo had lasted longer than most of his relationships.

When you got to your cabin, Leo went inside with you for once.

You sat in your bed and Leo sat next to you. You both sat in weird silence before Leo said, "I need to tell you something."

You looked at him and he said, "I think I actually like you.."

Your eyes widened. Leo never liked anyone that he dated. You were the first. "W-well, turns out I like you, as well."

Leo seemed surprised. Even though a lot of girls liked him back, he never had a relationship like this.

"Why do you like me?"

Leo looked at you and asked, "Why are you wondering?" "Because you never like any of the girls you date."

Leo looked at your floor and said, "I just find you attractive and fun to be around..." 

You felt flattered. You went to kiss his cheek but he turned. You ended up kissing Leo on the lips. The surprising this was, that you guys didn't pull away.

Leo slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and you arms made their way around his neck.

This was your guys' first kiss.

You both pulled away and Leo looked away from you, embarrassed.

"Leo, look at me. Please?"


"Not my forehead. My eyes." "That's my chin, Leo." "That's my ear. Leo, look at my eyes."




"My eyes are up here." Leo suddenly blushed a deep red and said, "I-I wasn't looking there!" You raised an eyebrow and said, "Sure."

Leo got defensive and kept saying that he wasn't looking there while you sarcastically said, "Sure," over and over.

You tried hard not to smile at how adorable Leo was being.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz