Memorial Day

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In honor of those who fell during war.

Today was May 30th. You were sitting on your couch, your now full grown dog laying on your lap. You picked up your mug and slowly drank your coffee. You sighed and leaned back into the couch.

You heard a cry come from a room and you got up. You walked towards and into the room and over to the crib. You smiled and softly said, "Hey, n/o/c." You picked up your son/daughter and looked down at her/him.

She/he had the same eyes as you but the rest were her/his father's. "Happy Memorial Day..." You carried the baby to the rocking chair and you sat down. Your dog lay at your feet. N/o/c shifted in your hands and looked at a picture on the table beside you. You followed her/his gaze and smiled. You picked up the picture and showed it to your child.

It was of a young man with curly brown hair and a bright grin on his face. Next to him was you. The man's hand was on your stomach, or your baby. 

The baby reached up and touched the picture. Your smile grew and tears appeared. "That's your dad," you softly said, your voice cracking. "That's your dad, Leo Valdez.." 

Tears started to spill as you looked at the picture. N/o/c looked up at you, eyes filled with concern. You stood up and set him/her back in the crib. Gripping onto the picture, you walked back to the rocking chair and sat down.

You looked at the picture, remembering the day you received the news and the day you learned that you were pregnant..


"Oh my god," you muttered. You looked at the test in your hands. Positive. "Oh my god..." You covered your mouth with one hand, still in shock at what you found out.

You were pregnant.

"I have to tell Leo," you muttered and opened the bathroom door. You walked into the kitchen and saw Leo reading something on the counter.

"Hey." Leo looked up and said, "There's my beautiful wife. What's up?" 

You walked next to him and leaned on the counter. "What would you do if we had a child?" Leo tilted his head and said, "Well, I'd be happy. I mean, I'd be a dad." You looked at him and his eyes widened. 

"Wait.." You grinned and held up the test. Leo grabbed it and read it. "No way.. Really? You nodded and Leo swept you off your feet.

"I'm gonna be a dad! We're gonna be parents!!" he leaned down and kissed you, grinning the whole time.

When he pulled away, he said, "How are we going to pay for it? We don't have enough money..." You smiled and pecked his cheek. "We'll figure out something."

*A Few Months Later*

"WHAT?!" You had been pregnant for about 3 months now. You and Leo had managed to pay for some things but not all. 

Leo decided that he had to make money. No other jobs were open but what he chose.

"It's the only way!" You tried to hide the tears but failed. "You can't just leave me and the baby!"

"It's not like that, y/n! You know that this is all we can do!" Tears streamed down your face as you screamed, "How can you do this?! Joining the army is a death wish!"

Leo's expression slightly softened as he said, "Y/n, you know this is what I have to do. I've been thinking about doing this for months and-"

"I don't care! I can't live without you here! And what's the baby going to do if you die out there?!"

"Y/n, it's been decided, alright?"

You fell to the floor and stared at the carpet, tears falling down your cheeks. Leo was going to leave you and the baby. Not to mention your dog.

Leo knelt down and lifted your chin. He softly smiled and kissed you. "I have to do this."

He wiped away your tears with his thumb and caressed your cheek.

"I know.. But you may die." Leo smiled and said, "I won't die on you, our dog, or the baby. Nothing can hurt me." He kissed your forehead as he set a hand on your stomach, your bump growing as your baby grew, as well.

*1 Year Later*

Leo had been gone for one whole year. You had given birth to a healthy boy/girl. But what killed you was that Leo missed it.

Leo hadn't died yet, which made you happy. And he was receiving enough money to take care of the baby. He wrote to you almost every day, and you wrote back. Everything was fine until one faithful day.

You were cleaning the counter when you heard a knock. You set down the cloth and walked to the door. Wonder who it is, you thought. You opened the door and saw a man in military clothes.

"Hello, sir," you said, smiling.

He smiled back and asked, "Are you Mrs, Valdez?"

You nodded and he said, "We're sorry to inform you about this, but your husband died in battle last night."

He had said it so calmly, so bluntly. You covered your mouth as tears spilled. You let out a choked cry and fell down to your knees.

"We brought his body.." You looked up at the man and quickly stood.

"I want t-to see him." The man nodded and several other men carried a casket towards you. You hoped and hoped that this was a cruel prank. You hoped that your husband didn't die.

They opened the casket and you screamed. Leo was in there, his eyes closed, and his lips partly open.

Tears spilled and spilled as you set a hand on his face. It felt cold. Leo was never cold.

You grabbed his hand and cried. "You promised that you wouldn't leave me.."

The men carried the casket away, and you quickly pecked his cold cheek. "I'm sorry," the man said, and put a hand on your shoulder. He then nodded and got into his military car and drove off.

You knelt down on your front steps, crying into your hands. Leo was gone.

*End of Flashback*

You set down the picture, angling it so that it faced you. You looked at Leo's smiling face, seeing how happy he was to be a father. He had only seen your son/daughter for 3 months before going off.

You kissed your finger and touched Leo's face. 

"Happy Memorial Day, Leo.."

Yes, I know this was depressing. I just wanted you guys to know how it felt to lose someone during war. Please pay your respects to those who fell and treasure those who haven't.

-Cinnamon Seven

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