Protecting You (Part 1)

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Yay, I'm back! And I have a sort of "new" oneshot that I came up with.


You and a few friends went to a party.

Your friends decided that you needed some fresh air since you spent the last few days inside on your computer.

You declined the invite, but they dragged you along anyway.

Once you got to the person's house, they instantly left you. They went off with a group of guys to who knows where. You just shrugged and walked to the food table.

Once you got there, you got yourself a can of Pepsi and leaned against the table, watching everyone get drunk.

You looked to your side and saw a man about your age leaning against the table as well.

He seemed cute, yet you were still skeptical.

He looked at you, saw you staring, and grinned at you. "Are you checking me out?" You shook your head, since you were lost in your thoughts, and said, "Oh, w-well, I was just looking and-"

The man just chuckled to himself and smiled at you.

"I'm Leo. What's your name?"

"Y/n." Leo nodded and said, "Pretty name for a pretty girl." You just blushed and drank from your can again.

"Where are you friends?" Leo just shrugged and said, "Went off with a group of girls. Your friends?" "Went off with a group of guys."

You both sighed and decided to talk to each other more.

You both talked for the rest of the party, laughing and becoming close. You ended up being good friends by the time the party ended. You looked at the clock and said, "I have to go now."

Leo nodded and said, "Alright. I'll text you later."

You smiled and said, "Okay." You both said bye and you went to find your friends.

You found them, on a couch, drunker than drunk. You tried to slap some sense into them but nothing worked. They were your ride home.

You decided that you were going to walk.

You left the house and started walking down a street. It was the middle of the night, and you were slightly terrified.

As you walked down the street, you heard footsteps.

You quickly turned and saw nothing. You let out a breathe you were holding and thought, You're being paranoid.

You turned and continued walking. As you passed an alley, you looked down the middle. Your eyes widened as you saw darkness.

You suddenly felt arms wrap around your waist.

You tensed up and started struggling, saying things like, "Let me go!" You just heard a chuckle. A deep voice muttered, "Stop struggling, sweet heart. You may enjoy this."

He covered your mouth and you continued to struggle.

He dragged you into the alley, while you tried screaming for help.

Leo's P.O.V

I met a girl who I thought was very attractive.

We talked for what seemed like days before she had to leave. I was sad to see her go, but at least we were friends.

I gave her my number and she left.

I smiled to myself, accepting the fact that I had feelings for her. I looked beside me and my eyes widened. She had forgotten her phone.

I grabbed it and ran outside, hoping that I could catch up with her.

I ran down a street and turned a corner.

I stopped in my tracks. In front of me, was a man. He was wrestling with a girl. My instincts told me to turn and hide, but I somehow couldn't.

I realized that the girl struggling was y/n.

The man dragged her into the alley. I dropped her phone and sprint after him. I was not going to let anything happen to y/n.

Regular P.O.V

The man had taken you into a building at the end of the alley.

He had a strong grip on you, and you couldn't run away. He went inside a room and locked the door. He put you against a wall, putting tape on your mouth so you couldn't scream.

He also tied your hands to your back. He left your legs free, along with your eyes.

He looked down at you and said, "You're in for a ride, sweet heart."

You tried to break free, knowing what was going to happen to you. You struggled more, as the man laughed to himself.

Tears ran down your face as the man walked closer.

(If you haven't gotten it yet, he's a rapist.)

You closed your eyes, giving up.

You felt the man kiss you, and you tried to pull away. but you couldn't since you were against a wall. He suddenly pulled away and you opened your eyes.

You saw the man look down at your legs. You pulled your legs up and kept your legs together.

The man was obviously strong, so he grabbed your legs and parted them.

Tears ran down your face, knowing that going to that party was a bad idea. Soon enough, your pants and underwear were forgotten on the floor.

You struggled to keep your legs together but failed.

The man spread your legs even more, and you panicked. You shut your eyes, not wanting to see what the man would do to you.

Before the man could go inside you, you heard the door slam open.

You opened your eyes and saw the man look behind him.

(Strong language ahead, so beware. Go ahead and hate me for this. ._.)

You saw Leo, standing in the doorway, a really pissed look on his face.

He walked towards you two and said, "Back away from y/n." The man chuckled and said, "What makes you think that you can just barge into this room? We're busy kid, get lost. Before you get hurt."

Leo picked the guy up by his shirt and said, "I said, back away from y/n, you bastard."

The man wasn't frightened. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Leo's face. "How about you back away?"

You yelled for Leo to get out, but it was muffled by the tape. 

You struggled and struggled, tears falling down your face.

Leo threw the man to the floor and started beating him up. You watched Leo throw punches as he yelled, "DON'T GO NEAR Y/N EVER AGAIN."

You sat there, dumbfounded yet relieved.

The man got up and Leo went in front of you. "What makes you think that you can touch y/n? She doesn't fucking belong to you."

The man brought out the gun again and said, "You think swearing is gonna scare me? Get out of the way before you die."

Leo suddenly heard your muffled screams.

That just made him even more pissed. "I swear, if you don't fucking get out of my sight, you can know that you won't make it out of here alive."

The man pointed the gun at Leo and said, "I don't think so." 

He pulled the trigger. Leo instantly ducked and covered you with his body. You shut your eyes, scared about seeing Leo die in front of you.

Suddenly, everything went black.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now