Switching Bodies

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This was requested by unrealistic_NOT. Enjoy!

You slowly opened your eyes and sat up. You stretched, yawned, and looked at your siblings. "Good morning, guys.."

Everyone stared at you, confused.

"What?" They looked at each other and back at you. "Um, is this a joke or something?" You raised an eyebrow and asked, "A joke? What do you mean?"

One sibling rolled their eyes and said, "Oh, we get it. Ha, ha, Leo."


Everyone groaned and went back to their business. You ran to your cabin's bathroom and looked in the mirror. You almost screamed. 

You were Leo.

"What the heck?!" You ran out of your cabin, and sprint to the Hephaestus cabin. You rapidly knocked and Harley answered the door.

"There you are, Leo! Y/n was in your bed!"

You lightly pushed him aside and ran to Leo's bed. You saw.. Well, you sitting on Leo's bed. You cleared your throat and "you" looked at you.

"Any ideas, y/n?" You shook your head and asked, "You're Leo, right?" He nodded and said, "I don't get how we switched bodies.."

You grabbed Leo's hand and dragged him out of his cabin, while Harley yelled, "Wait, I'm so confused right now!!"

You dragged him into the forest and sat down on a rock. Leo sat down also, across from you. You sighed and said, "So, we both went to asleep in our own bodies, but we woke up like... this..." You raised an eyebrow at Leo, who was grinning at you.

"Why are you grinning at me, Leo?"

He leaned back and said, "I just understand why you find me hot."

You rolled your eyes and said, "Look, I'm in full control of your body, so don't get any ideas." Leo smirked and pointed to your body.

"And I'm in control of yours."

You sighed and looked at Leo's body. "I honestly feel weird in your body, Leo. I feel covered in grease and dirt."

Leo shrugged and said, "Because you are. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a girl and have b-"

"Okay, okay! I get it!"

Leo started laughing then he suddenly stopped. "Aww, I even have your adorable laugh, now!"

You blushed and awkwardly adjusted "your" suspenders. "Is that really how I look when I blush?" You slightly frowned and looked at the floor.

"Anyway, how can we reverse this?"

"I have no idea. I kind of like being in your body." "Do you want me to pull out a hammer and hurl it at your head?"

Leo's face paled and he shut up.

You both spent all day, walking around, confusing everyone, and trying to return to your own bodies. Soon, it was night.

You and Leo had to go to the other's cabin, so you were sleeping in Leo's bed. When you arrived, you looked back at Leo and said, "I'm taking a shower. You'll thank me later."

Leo nodded and kissed your cheek, or you kissed Leo's cheek...

As he started walking away, he looked back at you and smirked. "When you get into the shower.." "Yeah?"

He then winked at you (or you winked at Leo). "Hope you like what you see.." He then walked to your cabin, leaving you very flustered on his cabin's porch.

You walked inside and filled all of Leo's siblings in on what had happened.

They all nodded and pretended that you were actually Leo. You decided to just wear Leo's regular clothes to sleep, after the shower.

You went into the bathroom, locked the door, and started to undress.

You carefully took off the tool belt and put it in a cabinet, making sure not to damage it. Then you took off the suspenders, shirt, and all that.

And you refused to look down.

After the shower, you got dressed in Leo's clothes and went to sleep.

~Next Day~

You went to the beach, after breakfast, and looked for Leo.

You saw Leo walk up and your eyes widened. He grinned and said, "Hello." Your eye twitched as you said, "Just hello?! You're barely wearing any clothes!!"

Leo shrugged and said, "Why have this if you're not gonna wear this? By the way, why don't you wear this around me?"

You frowned and sighed.

"Because you literally make me look naked in that." Leo just grinned and asked, "How was the shower?"

"Well, I feel clean."

Leo then wiggled his eyebrows, and before he could ask, you said, "I didn't look down." He slightly frowned. "Anyway, I took a shower, too. And-"

"I don't need to know, Leo."

He just continued grinning. "Any idea on how this happened?" Leo shook his head. "Your siblings had no idea."

You nodded and wondered how this could've happened.

It suddenly clicked. You looked at Leo and asked, "Have you been pranking the Hecate cabin lately?" "Yeah, along with the Stolls."

You face palmed. 

"That's the source! This is the Hecate cabin's doing!"

Suddenly, two people emerged from a bush, laughing. One wiped a tear and said, "Finally, Valdez is being smart. Maybe y/n should stay in his body."

The other just laughed.

You looked at Leo and saw that he was looked annoyed. You looked at the Hecate kids and asked, "Why did you do this to us?"

"Well, Leo and the Stolls kept pranking us, so we decided to prank them back!" The other Hecate kid scratched the back of his neck and said, "We originally made the Stolls switch bodies, but they enjoyed it too much so we changed them back."

Leo suddenly spoke up. "Can you just change us back?"

The siblings looked at each other then back at you. "As long as you promise not to prank us, anymore."

Leo considered it and sighed. "Fine."

They both grinned and worked their magic. You and Leo closed your eyes. When you reopened them, you were in your body.

You sighed. "Finally. Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go change into some better clothes." As you walked away, you heard Leo complain, "I feel so clean! This isn't normal!"

You stopped and smirked.


He ran next to you and asked, "Yeah?" You winked and said, "I changed the password to the Bunker." Leo's face paled and you walked away, with him shouting,

"Y/n! Give me the password!!"

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now