Graduating Hogwarts

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Ironically, when this was published, it was late June, which is when the actual graduation at Hogwarts is done. (Or early July) 

You and Leo were graduation Hogwarts, and you were both very excited.

It was the last day of being at Hogwarts, and you were walking around the school, saying goodbye to everyone and everything.

Yes, you'd even pet the common room's couch and mutter, "Goodbye."

You said goodbye to all of the ghosts, students, and professors. And all of the furniture. Soon enough, you were sitting in the courtyard, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Leo spotted you and walked over.

You and him had been dating ever since your fifth year. You started dating when he took you to the Yule Ball.

Leo sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"I can't believe we're leaving this place, already." You nodded and said, "I know. I'm really gonna miss everyone."

You suddenly spotted Hermione.

You called her over and bid her goodbye. She smiled and hugged you goodbye, as well. She then said her goodbyes to Leo and walked off, smiling and a bit teary eyed.

You felt a bit bad for her, since Harry and Ron never came back to complete their seventh and final year.

You and Leo sat back down on the bench, and just looked around at the students.

You slightly began to cry, as some of your friends walked by. You said goodbye to all of them, and Leo did the same for his friends.

You even saw tears come to Leo's eyes when he had to say goodbye to Seamus, Dean, and Neville.

Eventually, everyone was called for the ceremony. The ceremony was when all of the seventh years boarded the magical boats, which took them to Hogwarts during their first year, and exited Hogwarts in a poetic way.

You and Leo were going in the same boat.

After some words were said by the new headmaster, everyone boarded the boats. Then, the boats took off down the Black Lake.

You, Leo, and the rest of the graduates looked back at Hogwarts, remembering all of the fun times you had, and all of the friends you had made.

You let the tears fall, as you bid a final goodbye to Hogwarts.

The boats docked and everyone got out. Then, the boats returned to Hogwarts. Everyone stood still, not knowing what to do, since they all just graduated.

Then, one by one, everyone started to leave.

Eventually, only a few students were left, including you and Leo. Leo reached for your hand and squeezed it. He finally said, "Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade?"

You nodded and started walking. You both ended up going into Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. You both sat down at a table, and looked out the windows.

You suddenly giggled as you said, "Remember how Harry and Cho had a horrible date here?" Leo smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

Then you sat in silence, the only sound being you sipping your tea.

Leo suddenly asked, "What do you plan on doing? You know, as a job." You shrugged and said, "No idea... Maybe I'll become a professor.."

Leo nodded and said, "I want to become an auror, and maybe even work with Ron and Harry.."

You smiled and said, "That's a good job. At least you know what you wanna do.." As you took another sip, Leo suddenly showed you a smile he would only show in serious, heartfelt moments.

"I have an idea on what you could be."

You set down your cup and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, what?" "My wife." Your eyes widened, and you slightly blushed.


Leo suddenly got up from his chair and got down on one knee. Your brain finally registered what was happening, and you tried to fight back the on coming flood of tears.

Leo took out the ring, which he had been hiding all day, and said, "Y/n, ever since we danced at the Yule Ball, I've been in love with you. You could say that our relationship is magical, but that, to me, would be an understatement."

You smiled and let a few tears fall.

"We've been dating for 2 years, and I feel like I've been waiting long enough. Y/n, I want to spend the rest of my wizarding life with you, and only you."

He suddenly opened the box, and you finally let the tears roll down.

"Y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest wizard on Earth and marry me?" You blushed a deep red and said, "Yes."

Leo smiled and slipped the ring onto your finger. You took out your wand, smiled through the happy tears, and jokingly said, "Carpe Retractum."

(Carpe Retractum produces a supernatural rope from the caster's wand, which will pull the target to the caster)

Leo smiled, wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you closer, resulting in a kiss.

You smiled back and pulled Leo closer by his shirt collar. You separated and pressed your heads together.

Leo smiled and muttered, "I love you." Your face blushed a light pink as you said, "I love you, too."

~19 Years Later~

You and Leo followed your excited son, down to the magical wall that led to platform nine and three-quarters.

Yes, you both had one son, who was going to Hogwarts as a first year. And his name was Remus, after one of Leo's favorite professors.

Remus pulled his luggage behind him, with a huge smile on his face.

The three of you went through the wall and looked at the Hogwarts Express. Remus' face lit up, as he stared at the train in wonder.

You and Leo smiled, remembering your experiences on that very train.

As Remus walked along the train to the nearest entrance, you and Leo spotted many familiar faces. Among them, being the famous trio themselves.

You greeted Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and they smiled and greeted you and Leo back.

They also said hello to Remus, and he just brightly smiled back. The train sounded and you looked at the clock.

It was almost time.

"Alright Remus, time to get onto the train!" Remus' smile suddenly disappeared. Leo raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What if I don't get sorted into Gryffindor like Dad?"

You looked at Leo and back at Remus. You smiled and knelt down. "Remus, I'm pretty sure you'll be sorted into Gryffindor. And if not, you're house will still be splendid. The Sorting Hat will take your opinion into consideration."

Remus smiled and kissed your cheek.

"Okay, Mom."

He then hugged you and Leo tightly before boarding the train. He sat by the window, and started waving at the both of you.

Suddenly, you saw a familiar, young face sit across from Remus.

It was Albus Severus Potter, Harry's second son. Remus and Albus began to laugh, signaling that they were already friends.

You smiled to yourself, knowing that Remus would enjoy his first year.

The train started and all of the kids began to wave. Remus waved at you, a huge smile on his face. You and Leo waved back, very proud expressions on your faces.

As the train disappeared, parents started leaving.

You watched the train go down the tracks, once again. You were happy that the future seventh years wouldn't have to go through what your generation did.

But deep down, you knew that they would go on just as many adventures. Leo smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist. You smiled back at him and pecked his lips. 

All was well.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt