I Found You

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You and Leo were 8 years old.

And you were both best friends. You always hung out together, in and outside of school. And, you were both playing hide and seek.

You were hiding and Leo was seeking.

You ran behind a tree, and Leo started counting to 10. You giggled to yourself, knowing that Leo would never find you. Eventually, you heard the excited boy yell, "Ready or not, here I come!"

You sat down and covered your mouth, trying to hide a loud giggle.

You heard footsteps and you froze, knowing that Leo had found you. Right before he yelled, "I found you," you heard the steps stop.

You looked out from behind the tree and asked, "Leo? What's wrong?" He suddenly looked at you and said, "I have to go home really quick."

And he ran off.

Suspicious, and just plain curious, you secretly followed Leo to his house. But, he didn't go inside his house.

He went inside his mother's work "shed."

You hid behind a tree, wondering what he was doing in there. Suddenly you smelled smoke. Your eyes widened as the shed caught on fire.

You ran towards the burning building, scared that Leo and his mom were hurt.

Suddenly, the fire went out, and you stopped. Leo suddenly came out, tears running down his young, innocent face.

He collapsed onto the floor and you ran to him.

"Leo?! What happened?!" Leo looked at you and started sobbing. He then grabbed you and hugged you closer to him.

"I-It's a-all my-y fault-t!"

You were confused, wondering what had happened. As you calmed Leo down, police cars and fire trucks surrounded the both of you.

Leo continued sobbing into your shirt, and the police went into the burnt building. What they came out with shocked you.

It was Leo's mother, Esperanza. And she was dead.

Tears started to fall, and you started mumbling, "She's not dead," over and over again, into Leo's hair.

You and Leo just cried and hugged each other closer. But suddenly, you felt a pair of arms pull you away from Leo. "No, let me go!!" You started struggling but the police's grip was to tight.

You looked up at Leo, and he was trying to escape, as well.

He looked at you and yelled, "Y/n!!" You screamed his name back, as the police dragged you two farther away from each other.

Soon, you were both put in different police cars. And those cars drove off in separate directions. You and Leo looked out the windows, continuously yelling at the other to come back.

~7 Years Later~

You and Leo had been put into two different orphanages.

And you both stayed there, for 7 years. Everyday, ever since you were first put into the orphanage, you would call out for Leo, not knowing that he was doing the same thing for you.

But then, you both turned 15.

And you were both still in orphanages. Ever since you were 8 years old, you had cried in your bed and mumbled that you missed Leo.

And he would do the same.

But, over time, you both started to stop missing the other less and less. But, that didn't mean that you stopped missing each other completely.

One day, you were sitting in your bed, sulking. Today was the day that Esperanza had died. And the day that you and Leo were separated.

The orphanage's main caretaker came in and said, "Y/n, we need food. Would you mind going to the grocery store and buying some stuff?"

You looked up at the lady, sadly smiled, and said, "Okay.."

~Small Time Skip~

You were walking to the grocery store, with the list in your hand.

You entered the air conditioned store and grabbed a cart. You grabbed all of the items and took them to the check out line.

You didn't realize how much you had bought, because there were about 8 bags.

You sighed and payed for the stuff. The lady asked if you needed help, but you declined. You carefully carried 4 bags in each hand and started walking out.

You took deep breathes with each step, regretting not just taking a cart.

To distract yourself, you marveled at how long it had been ever since you and Leo were taken away from each other.

You smiled at the memories you and the Latino had made.

As you turned the corner, you were lost in your own thoughts. Which meant, that you didn't hear the scream of a boy that said, "Look out!"

You yelped as a body collided with yours.

You both fell to the ground, with a groan of pain. You opened your eyes and pushed the mysterious body off. You looked around at the squashed and broken groceries. 

"Oh no..."

You looked at the person on the ground and said, "Watch where you're going." The body shifted, and a familiar voice said, "Well, I'm sorry ma'am. But you weren't looking where you were going."

That voice.

You crawled closer to the body and said, "You sound familiar..."

The body turned and sat up. Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth, muffling a scream. It was Leo.

Leo's rubbed his head and looked at you.

His eyes widened and his mouth hung open. You both stared at each other for a good 5 minutes, before Leo quietly said, "Y/n..."


Leo shook his head and stood up. He held out his hand and you grabbed it. He pulled you to your feet and asked, "Is that really you?"

Your lip trembled as you muttered a quiet, "Yes..."

Leo suddenly pulled you into a hug. You felt your shoulder becoming wet, meaning that Leo was crying. "I-I missed you so much, y/n.."

You quickly hugged him back, letting the flood of tears flow.

"I missed you, too, Leo.."

You stood there, hugging, for a few minutes before you let of of each other. You smiled at Leo and said, "It's been 7 years, since we were taken away from each other..."

Leo nodded and said, "I tried looking for you all this time."

You blushed at the thought. You then remembered that he had run into you. "Wait, what're you even doing out here?"

Leo softly smiled and said, "I ran away from my orphanage, hoping to run into someone who knew where you were.."

"How about you?" You looked around at the fallen groceries and said, "Grocery shopping." Leo blushed, and said, "Sorry about that.."

You stepped closer to him and said, "That doesn't matter.."

Leo stepped closer, too, and said, "Yeah, what matters is that..." You both stared at each other for a few seconds before you started to lean forward.

As you leaned forward, Leo slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, and your hands went up to his shirt collar.

When your lips barely touched, Leo said, "What matters is that I found you..."

You both then leaned in, resulting in a long, compassionate kiss. It wasn't heated or filled with touching.

You and Leo just stood there, in each other's embrace, kissing the other. Filling the kiss with how much love one felt for the other.

You were both finally reunited, after being dragged away from each other 7 years ago. After all that time you hid from each other, Leo finally seeked you out.

And he found you.

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