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You were walking around camp borders with your best friend, b/f/n. You had been hanging out with Leo lately and you wanted to have some fun time with your best friend. You guys were laughing and talking as another one of your friends came up.

"Hey, y/n!" You grinned and said, "Hey, Aidan. What's up?" "Just wanted to hang out with you and b/f/n." You looked at b/f/n and she/he said, "The more the merrier." You guys walked around camp, laughing, making puns and whatnot. The time for lunch came, so the three of you walked there together.

You entered the pavilion just was Aidan made a funny joke. Everyone turned to see you laughing your head off, while Aidan and b/f/n laughed as well.

As the laughing trio got food, Leo Valdez had different thoughts.

Leo's P.O.V

I had walked into the pavilion early, wanting to get to the food first. I filled my plate and sat at my empty table. All of my friends were busy, including y/n. I had a huge crush on her and wished I would've hung out with her more. But she had other friends and I can respect that.

"Hey, brother Leo," a little kid exclaimed. I grinned and ruffled Harley's hair. "Hey, hermano. What's up?" Harley held out his hands and showed me a mini dragon.

"I built a small Festus!"

"Very good," I said. Harley beamed and walked off, following the small, flying dragon. I had to admit, I loved Harley like he was my own son. He reminded me and a younger me. I smiled as I started eating.

~Small Time Skip~

I finished half of my food and everybody else started pouring in. I said hello to my siblings and friends. I looked for y/n and saw her with b/f/n and... Who was that? He was laughing with y/n and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company. 

I guess I started to tighten my grip on my fork, because it eventually melted in my hands. I heard y/n's laughter and I felt a deep feeling. Jealousy. I didn't like y/n hanging out with that other guy. He could've liked her as well, and I needed to make sure that didn't happen.

Regular P.O.V

It was after lunch, a few days later, when you and b/f/n said goodbye to Aidan. You couldn't help but notice that Leo was staring at you a lot, during lunch for the past few days. His expression wasn't happy, either. It was more straight-faced glare. You told b/f/n about it, since she/he knew about your crush on him.

"Well, maybe he had a head ache or something," she/he said. You shook your head.

"I highly doubt that. He seemed fine, earlier this week."

Then, b/f/n's expression lightened up. "What if he got jealous?" You laughed and said, "Like that would ever happen." "No, it might have happened during lunch. What if he likes you and-"

Before he/she could continue, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Oh. Hey, Leo," you said. Leo did not look happy. He still had that expression from earlier. He just looked a bit more sad. 

"Hey, y/n. B/f/n? Can we talk in private?" She/he nodded and walked away.

"What's-" You were interrupted by Leo. "Do you have a thing with that boy you were with earlier?" Your eyes widened as you said, "No, I don't. He's only a friend.." Leo still looked bothered. You quickly realized that he could maybe actually be jealous.

"Leo, why? Is he bugging you or something?" He stayed quiet. You stepped closer, feeling that your chance was coming up. "Leo?" Leo shifted from one foot to the other. "Yeah," he muttered. You asked how and Leo said, "I feel that he's taking someone away from me.." That took a whole different route. Little did you know, he was talking about you. "Really? Who?" (Cheesyness alert)

Leo stepped forward and grabbed both of your hands in his. "You.." Your eyes widened. "What do you mean..?"

"I've been feeling a little.. jealous about you and your friend.." "Aidan," you said. 

"Yeah, Aidan.."

You figured that at that moment, that was your chance. You took your hands and out his and leaned forward, not even caring what he did. (Yolo) 

Leo's facial expression softened and he kissed you back. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. You reciprocated that action, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as well. Now, he understood that you and Aidan had nothing between yourselves. He understood that you returned his feelings and didn't like anybody else but him. 

Leo never felt jealousy towards anybody ever again.

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