Wisdom Teeth

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This was one of the PM requests and it was requested by cierra_elizabeth. Enjoy!

You and Leo were driving in his car. He had offered to drive you to your dentist's office. You were getting your wisdom teeth pulled out.

You held his hand and squeezed it.

"It's fine to be terrified, right?" Leo just snorted and said, "You'll be fine, y/n. I'll be waiting for you when you're done."

You nodded and said, "I hope they don't have a full blown conversation with me before they put me to sleep." Leo just laughed and said, "Stop being so anti-social. I doubt they will. I'm just excited for how you'll react after."

You shoved him and said, "You better not record me."

Leo leaned over and kissed your cheek. "Don't worry, I won't." You nervously thought about what would happen. The car stopped and you both got out.

You walked into the office, hand in hand, and sat down.

Only about 3 minutes later, you were called into a room. You looked back at Leo and he flashed you a smile.

~Time Skip to After Appointment~

The dentist went out of the room and told Leo that he could come in.

Leo instantly got up and walked into your room. He went over to the chair and saw you still asleep. He smiled and kissed your forehead. He sat in a chair and waited until you woke up.

You woke up 10 minutes later.

Leo saw you stir and went up to your chair. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. You looked at Leo and said, "H'llo."

Leo smiled and said, "Hey. How you feeling?"

You looked at the ceiling and said, "I feelin super happy!" Leo held your hand and said, "Well, that's good. Did the procedure hurt?"

You looked at Leo and asked, "Wat procedure?"

Leo tapped his cheek and said, "You got you wisdom teeth pulled out."

You felt your cheek and quietly asked, "My teeth were pulled..?" Tears started falling down your face as you asked, "Will they grow back?"

Leo's eyes widened and he remembered that this was a side effect. 

Leo thought about his answer and carefully said, "Well, no. But you won't even notice that they're gone."

You suddenly became really emotional and asked, "Do you love me?"

Leo's eyes widened again as he quickly said, "Of course I do!" More tears fell as you said, "No you don't." Leo put a hand on your shoulder and said, "Yes, I do, y/n. We've been dating for 2 years now."

You sniffled and said, "Can I take this tissue thing out now?"

You reached for it but Leo stopped you. "No, you need to keep it in for a little bit." "But it's bugging me," you complained.

Leo ran a hand through his hair and said, "It'll be out in a few hours or something, y/n."

Again, you started crying as you said, "You hate me."

Leo frowned and looked at your face. He noticed that your eyes had turned from brown to emerald green. He put a hand on your cheek and said, "I would never hate you. Do you know why?" You shook your head exaggeratedly. Leo softly smiled at you and said, "Cause I'm in love with you."

You tried to wipe your tears as you said, "Are you sure?"

Leo nodded and said, "Very." You felt your cheek and quietly said, "But you laughed at me earlier in the car..."

Leo was surprised you even remembered his name. The fact that you remembered the conversation you had in the car was amazing.

"I was joking around, y/n. Trust me, I love you."

"Why do I keep crying? And why does my cheek hurt?" "Your teeth were pulled out, okay?" You nodded and seemed to calm down a little.

Leo decided to show you that he indeed loved you, in case you still didn't believe him.

He carefully carried you out of the chair and onto the ground. He sat down in a chair and pulled you onto his lap.

Leo wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"Don't worry, y/n. This'll all be over soon."

You sniffled and wiped your eyes. You leaned your good cheek on his shoulder and said,

"I love you, too.."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now