Grocery Shopping

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You'll have the same personality from "Smiling." There is one sentence where Leo gets perverted so.. Enjoy!

You and Leo were out shopping for groceries.

You guys were paired for a science project, so you always hung out at each other's house. Leo seemed to enjoy your company, but you felt the opposite.

You didn't smile or laugh at all, but for some odd reason, you had a crush on Leo.

The biggest dork in school apparently attracted you, which made no sense to you.

Leo had noticed that his cabinet was becoming empty, since you both ate a lot of snacks. So, he dragged you along in his "grocery shopping adventure," which is how he put it.

You protested, but Leo didn't care.

Once you got to the store, Leo instantly got a cart and said, "To the food isle!"

He then hopped onto it and pushed off, making him fly down the isles. You face palmed and reluctantly walked over him.

You reached the food isles and stopped.

"So, what're we getting, exactly?"

"Oh, steak and stuff." Leo spotted the steak and threw it into the cart. He decided to annoy you and have some fun.

"So, darling y/n, what do you think our daughter would like to eat for dinner?"

You gave Leo an annoyed look and asked, "What. Are. You. Doing?" Leo grinned and said, "I don't know. I feel like we're an old married couple and that we're shopping for our children."

You could feel a smile surfacing, but you forced it back down.

"Whatever. Just don't be embarrassing."

Leo nodded, saluted and said, "Wife, yes wife!" You never wanted to smack Leo in the face so badly. You got to the frozen food isles and you instantly went to the ice cream.

"So, darling wife of mine, what ice cream do you think our 7 kids would like eat?" 

You looked at Leo and said, "Shut up. We don't have 7 kids and we aren't married." Then, Leo went ahead and leaned over to an innocent old lady.

He said, "Don't worry. My wife is just in denial about our love."

The old lady looked at you, confused. You tried to remain calm and said, through gritted teeth, "Sorry, ma'am. Just continue your shopping."

And then she left.

You looked at the grinning Latino and asked, "What is your problem?"

Leo just shrugged and said, "Nothing, just food shopping with my wife." You guys then walked into the chips isle.

"What chips would you like, darling-"

"Stop putting darling before my name, Leo." "Okay then." Unfortunately, the same old woman was there and Leo decided to embarrass you more.

"Ugh, she's still in denial."

You decided to play along. "We're getting a divorce, Valdez."

Leo, being the dramatic dork he is, dramatically gasped and put a hand on his heart. "But dear wife! How will I get along in life without your earth shattering blow jobs?"

Your face turned a dark, dark red and you looked at the poor old woman. She glared at you and grumbled, "Teenagers."

Then she walked away.

You grabbed the loaf of wrapped bread you got and hurled it at Leo.

He caught it and said, "Feisty wife, aren't you?" You balled your hands into fists and said, "Let's just pay for our dang food and get out of here before you say anything else."

Leo just smiled and rode the cart all the way to the check out lines.

He really is adorable, though, you thought. You suddenly realized what you just thought. No, I cannot be falling for Valdez at a time like this.

You and Leo put everything in front of the cashier and waited for everything to be scanned.

Leo grabbed your hand and said to the cashier, "Don't worry, this isn't for us. It's for our kids." You pulled your hand away and quickly said, "No! We don't have any kids, he's just joking!"

The cashier just grinned and said, "You guys are a cute couple." Before you could yell, "We aren't a couple," Leo just grinned and said, "I know right?"

After everything was bagged and Leo and the cashier had a conversation, you put the stuff into the trunk and got into the car.

"I am not going shopping with you ever again."

Leo pouted and said, "Aww, but we had so much fun." You rolled your eyes and said, "Whatever." As Leo started the car, he grabbed your hand again.

But you just gave in and didn't pull away. You then did something you would have thought you would do.

You smiled.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang