Fourth of July

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You were walking around Camp Half-Blood.

People around you were wearing shirts with red, white, and blue on them. It was the Fourth of July. You were wearing on of those shirts as well.

You watched people run around with fireworks in their hands.

You smiled as they reminded you of Leo. You were ironically on your way to Bunker 9, to help Leo finish his "special" fireworks for that night.

You reached the bunker and knocked.

Leo opened the door and smiled. "Right on time. Come on in." You walked in and followed Leo to his work desk.

You pulled a stool next to the desk and sat down.

Leo sat down on his stool and said, "I'm almost done with this group, so can you start on the next?" You nodded and asked, "What do I need to do?"

Leo explained how to make fireworks and where to put the quick match.

You nodded and you both got to work. Besides the distant chatter from the other campers, the bunker was completely silent.

And you were uncomfortable.

You had a huge crush on Leo, and just being alone with him was making you feel weird. As you worked on one of your last fireworks, you kept seeing Leo glance over at you.

Eventually you looked over at him and gave him a small smile.

Leo smiled back and looked back at his firework, a slight blush on his face.

As you looked back at your "master piece," you suddenly heard a loud bang behind you. Startled, you jumped and quietly yelped.

Leo started laughing, resulting in him almost falling off of his stool.

He had thrown a firework onto the ground because he wanted to scare the crap out of you. And his plan worked.

In between laughs, he said, "No. You need to let out a manly battle cry!! Not a small girly yelp!"

You frowned and pushed him over, making him fall off of his stool. As he hit the ground, he continued laughing as you blushed a deep red.

You helped him up and got back to work.

You slyly grabbed a firework and threw it into the ground behind Leo. Leo let out a loud, high pitched shriek and you started laughing.

Leo blushed and muttered, "Shut up.."

You continued laughing and said, "Yes, Leo. Let out that manly battle cry." Leo blushed and said, "I'm more manly than you'd ever be.."

You shoved him and said, "At least I didn't shriek when I was startled."

You both continued scaring each other and working on the fireworks, after that. Soon enough, you and Leo finished all of his fireworks.

You and Leo carried them outside and set them up at the beach.

Leo looked up at you and said, "I'll set them up from here. Thanks for the help." You smiled and said, "No problem."

Then you walked off.

You walked on top of a cliff, which was the highest point in camp. Plus, it looked over the beach, giving you the best view possible.

You sat down in the grass and looked at the rolling waves and people setting up fireworks.

You sat there for 3 hours, just relaxing and thinking about life. And Leo. Soon enough, you had fallen asleep against a tree.

Soon, you were awakened by a group of yelling teenagers.

You looked down at the beach and saw the whole camp, waiting for the fireworks show. You sighed and decided to watch from up there.

As you waited, you thought of how you and Leo bonded in the bunker.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned and saw Leo, leaning against a tree. "I thought I was the only one who knew about this spot."

He sat beside you and said, "This is a nice view, though."

You nodded and awkwardly shifted your body. Leo looked at you and showed you a remote. You asked, "What's that for?"

"It's for the fireworks. You press this button and they go off."

You nodded and looked at Leo's face. He was blushing. Leo awkwardly coughed and asked, "You wanna press it?"

You slowly nodded and pressed the button.

Instantly, you heard a whistle come from the beach. You and Leo both looked at the beach, and saw a firework explode over the ocean.

You heard all of the camp members "ooh" and "ahh" at the exploding colors.

As more fireworks went off, you and Leo seemed to scoot closer to each other. Soon enough, you were both right against each other.

Leo looked at you and saw how amazed you were. He smiled and slowly wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

You blushed and hesitated before resting your head on Leo's shoulder.

As more fireworks went off, you became comfortable with being that close to Leo. Suddenly, when you became comfortable, Leo leaned down and kissed your forehead.

Resulting in you becoming very flustered.

Leo quietly laughed and said, "You're cute when you're flustered." Suddenly, you asked, "Why're you doing this?"

Leo said, "Because I've liked you for a long time, and I'm pretty sure you like me back.."

Well, he knew.

You stayed silent, surprised that he had found out. You looked up at Leo's face and Leo looked down at yours.

You then leaned in and kissed him.

Leo kissed back and put his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you close. You both separated and looked back at the fireworks.

You saw a firework explode, and you smiled. It said, "Happy Fourth of July, Camp Half-Blood!"

It was the one you and Leo had worked on.

Everyone cheered on the beach, and Leo hugged you close, again. You leaned back into his warm body.

Leo then said, "Happy Fourth of July, y/n.."

You smiled and said, "Happy Fourth of July, Leo.."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now