You're My Everything (Part 1)

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Again, I'm going to busy later today. But, I'll try to upload part 2. Anyways, enjoy!

You were in the bathroom, crying.

You had found out something devastating and you were heartbroken. You were sitting on the ground, leaning on the door.

You grabbed another tissue and continued sobbing.

Suddenly, you heard your house's front door unlock and open. You sniffed and threw away your tissue. You stood up and fixed your appearance in the mirror, so that it didn't look like you were crying.

You took a deep breathe and walked to the front door.

You walked into the entry hall and saw your boyfriend, Leo, hanging his jacket. You smiled and hugged him from behind.

Leo jumped but relaxed, when he realized it was you.

He turned and hugged you back, and said, "Hello, dearest girlfriend." You replied with, "Hey, Leo." 

You both walked, hand in hand, to the kitchen, where you started to prepare a cup of coffee for Leo. He had just gotten back from his part time job at a local fast food place.

And he had the night shift.

As you waited for the coffee, you turned and looked at Leo, who was sitting on a stool at your counter. "So, how was work?"

Leo looked up at you and said, "Stressful. Lots of annoying customers."

You nodded and turned back to the coffee. You poured it into Leo's cup and walked next to him. You handed Leo the cup and sat next to him.

Leo picked the cup up and muttered, "Thanks."

As he drank, you remembered what you had been crying about, earlier. You took a deep breathe and asked, "So, did you do anything after work?"

Leo nodded and said, "Yeah, I hung out with Jason."

You slowly nodded. "Nice..." You and Leo sat in silence before you said, "Well, there's something wrong with that.."

Leo set down his cup and asked, "What is that?"

You looked at Leo and said, "Jason is out of town, on a vacation with Piper." Leo froze and you raised an eyebrow.

"Leo, is something going on?"

You noticed Leo gulp, and you crossed your arms. Leo glanced over at you before saying, "No, everything is fine."

You nodded.

(I apologize for the upcoming cringe. Sorry)

Suddenly, you looked at Leo, again, and asked, "So, how was your date with Calypso?" Leo froze, once more, and his face paled.


"You heard me." Leo looked over at you, a scared look on his face. "Um, I..." 

Tears started forming as you said, "This is your.. what, fifth date with each other?" Leo continued staring at you, still looking scared.


You let a tear fall as you said, "You left your phone here before you went to work. And a girl named Calypso was texting you about your upcoming date."

Leo saw the tear and said, "Look, y/n.. This-"

You suddenly slammed your hand on the counter and said, "This isn't what it looks like?! Oh, so you're telling me that you aren't cheating on me with some random girl?!"

Leo shut his mouth and looked at his cup of coffee.

You let more tears fall, and your lip started to tremble. "So, am I just not good enough for you, or something?"

Leo looked up at you and said, "No, no. You're perfect, y/n."

"Then why are you cheating on me?" Leo stayed silent. You stood up and said, "I'm leaving." Leo's eyes widened as he asked, "Wait, what?!"

You walked to your shared bedroom and said, "I'm moving out."

Leo walked after you and said, "But, you can't-" You turned and glared at him, tears still falling. "Yes, I can."

You opened the door and grabbed your suitcase.

Leo stayed in the doorway, and watched you pack as much of your belongings as possible. "But, you have nowhere to go.."

"I can stay at Annabeth and Percy's place or something.."

AS you grabbed your stuff, Leo slowly started to tear up. "But y/n, if you leave then-" You glared at him again and said, "What? You and Calypso would have all of the room you need to have freaking babies or something."

Leo gulped and said, "Y/n, listen. You're overreacting-"

You angrily looked at Leo and asked, "Oh, I'm overreacting?! I'm overreacting?!" You walked over to Leo and poked his chest with your finger.

"Listen. You are the one who cheated on me, and you are the one who broke my heart. So, don't say that I'm overreacting."

You walked to your closet and started grabbing clothes.

After a few minutes of silence, you stopped. You slowly looked back at Leo. You quietly asked, "How long have you been dating... her?"

Leo was silent before saying, "3 months.."

You took another deep breathe, trying to hold back your tears. Leo had been dating her for 3 months, and you hadn't found out sooner.

You slammed your suitcase shut and walked out of the room, Leo following you like a puppy.

You slipped on your shoes and opened the door. Leo grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You took a deep breathe and said, "Leo.. We're done."

You forcefully tugged your wrist away and walked to your car, leaving Leo frozen in the doorway. You opened your car door and threw your suitcase inside.

Before you sat inside, Leo grabbed your wrist, again.

You looked back at him and saw that Leo was crying. "Please, don't leave, y/n..."

You tugged your wrist away and crawled into your car. You shut the door, started the car, and drove off.

Leo stood in the drive way, watching you drive off.

That was the last time you and Leo had seen each other. And that was 5 years ago.

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