A Creative Chapter Name

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I was tagged by cierra_elizabeth to do this "thing," I guess. Once you read the rules, you'll understand the chapter name.

I found a freaking loophole.

Here are the rules:

1) You have to post the rules.

2) You have to have "a creative chapter name."

3) You have to tag at least 15 people.

4) You have to say 14 things about yourself.

5) You must complete this "Life Threatening" task, in one week.

You guys understand the title now?

Anyway, I don't believe that this is "life threatening," because... Well, come on, guys. But, I just wanted to do this for fun. 

The 14 Facts:

1) I am 5'4"

2) I am considered a therapist among my friends. (So, I give good advice)

3) I am a realist, meaning that I accept reality and know my place in this world.

4) I have an existential crisis every night.. (I'll rant about that later)

5) I wear glasses

6) I like being very literal, just so that I can annoy my friends.

7) I really want to meet you guys in real life, because we can fangirl and scare everyone around us.

8) The last time I cried was one year ago, when I watched the last movie of Harry Potter. (Don't judge me XD)

9) My biggest fear is the grammar police, because I make many terrible typos. (*cough* PuffTheMagicMallow *cough*) But, in all seriousness, I'm mostly afraid of being alone/rejection.

10) I plan on being an author when I grow up, or maybe an engineer, but I'm not sure.

11) I get called emo a lot, and I gladly accept that title

12) My freaking dream location is basically England.

13) I watch a lot of anime

14) I play video games on Wii U, Wii, XBOX 1, and XBOX 360.

So, there you go. 

And now, the victims.. I mean, 15 people I will tag.

The 15 Tagged People:
















You guys don't have to do this, but hey, do it for fun, if you want.

Again, sorry for the lack of updates in this book. I've been dragged outside, watching YouTube, and suffering from writer's block.

But anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now