I'm Still Here...

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Everyone around you was dead. You looked around and just saw bodies.

Dead bodies.

It was after the war with Gaea, as you had lost.

You screamed for everyone to come to you.

Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Jason, Hazel... Everyone.

But nobody came.

Everyone was dead. Then it dawned on you.

You ran to where you last saw him. You screamed for him to be alive.

You hoped that he hadn't died.

You reached the spot and screamed. Leo was dead.

His plan hadn't worked.

You knelt by his dead body and cried. You cried for him to come back.

You cried and cried.

Leo was dead. He had left you. Everyone had left you.

You were all alone..

You suddenly sat up. You looked around and saw that you were in your bedroom.

Tears started to fall and you cried into your hands.

It was a dream.

The image of Leo's dead body kept flashing in your mind, making you cry even more.

You even quietly yelled for him to come back.

Something suddenly shifted next to you. It was Leo.

You both shared an apartment, and you were both dating.

Leo sat up and instantly hugged you.

You had these nightmares at least once a month, and he knew what they were about.

As you cried into Leo's shirt, Leo just hugged you closer.

He kissed your forehead and whispered soothing words to you.

As you would continue to cry, Leo would just engulf you in warmth and mutter,

"I'm still here.."

Then you'd fall asleep in Leo's embrace, and he would lay down with you still in his arms.

That happened frequently, and Leo was always there to comfort you.

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