You're My Everything (Part 2)

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Now, it was 5 years later.

You had moved in with Annabeth and Percy, just like you had said. You had told them the situation, and they gladly took you in.

You were currently still single, since you were still broken.

Leo had continuously tried to contact you, but after a few months of texts from him and multiple calls, you blocked his number.

Yet, you kept him on your contacts.

It just hurt too much to delete his number. You also blocked him on your social media, but you still looked at what he was up to.

But after a while, you stopped checking on him over all.

Now, five years later, you had your own apartment. You had told Annabeth and Percy that you were probably a burden, so you moved out.

While you weren't inside crying or watching Netflix, you were talking walks in the nearby park.

It just made you feel relaxed and it allowed you to take your mind off of things. You usually saw couples being all lovey dovey at the park, but you just ignored them.

But one day, the world was against you.

You were at the park, since you felt depressed again. You were sitting on a bench, watching kids run around and chase each other.

Suddenly, you saw a dog run past you, it's leash flying behind it.

You heard someone yell, "Help! My dog!" You quickly stood up and sprint after the running canine. You dodged staring pedestrians and tried reaching for the leash multiple times.

You heard the owner running behind you, yelling for the dog to stop.

Eventually the dog stopped running in front of a random coffee shop. You grabbed the leash and thought, Geez, dog. You must really hate your owner.

You heard the owner stop behind you, and say, "Thank you, miss."

You turned and handed the leash to them. "No problem-" You froze, the leash still in your hand, and your hand in the owner's hand.

It was Leo.

And I can see why...

You quickly let go of the leash and stuffed your hands into your pockets.

You and Leo stood in front of the coffee shop, in an awkward silence. You glanced at the shop and realized that it wasn't just some random coffee place.

It was the coffee shop where you and Leo first met.


You were sitting at a table next to a window.

You were waiting for your waiter to bring you your coffee, since it was early in the morning. Suddenly, a cup of coffee spilled onto your pants.

You stood up and looked at the person who spilled the coffee.

It was your waiter. His eyes widened as you dropped his tray. He quickly grabbed napkins and started patting at the spilled drink on your pants.

"I am so sorry, miss! I didn't mean to spill your drink!"

You sighed and started cleaning you pants, along with your waiter. "It's fine...." The waiter looked at you and softly smiled.


You nodded and said, "It's fine, Leo."

After a few minutes of useless patting, you and Leo set down the napkins and looked at each other. You stared at Leo, a blush slowly growing on your face.

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now