The Lady and the Tramp (Part 1)

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Yes, another Lady and the Tramp oneshot. Dunno if you guys enjoy these or not. But this won't be the spaghetti part. This'll be a little different. 

Have you ever liked somebody who was out of your league? Ever been trapped inside of a household for so long that you don't know about the world around you? Have you ever been in a romance that wasn't supposed to happen? If so, then I'm sure you can relate to what y/n and Leo went through together. Just to be in a relationship.

Y/N's P.O.V

I lived the pampered life and I loved it. My parents would buy me anything I wanted and treat me like a princess. They loved me with all their hearts and I loved them back, just as much. 

I loved being the center of attention. My family was very rich and very well known, so I was rich and well known as well. I didn't usually hang out with people, enough to call them friends, but I did hang out with two boys. They were my only friends and they were around my age. Their names were Jock and Trusty.

They were my neighbors and the only people I hung out with. That is until I met Leo.

It all started on my 18th birthday. My parents invited our family and they decided to make a big announcement. 

My mother was pregnant with my little sibling. That meant that I wasn't going to be the center of attention anymore. All of my comfortable space and belongings were going to be handed down to the little thing. The baby was born and it was a girl. My family completely forgot about me.

Long story short, I refused to accept this or decided to run away. My parents neglected me and didn't care.

"Go ahead, run away. We have your baby sister to take care of." And that was that.

I picked up everything I could carry and ran away. Jock and Rusty tried to convince me to stay but I just couldn't. 

"You can't leave, y/n. Your our only friend," Jock had protested. Rusty just nod and said, "If you leave, you can't hang with us anymore. Plus, your family." I had shaken my head, kissed them both on the cheek, said goodbye and left. 

I didn't know where I was going, but I was going somewhere.

Leo's P.O.V

Life sucks. It really does. But once you get the hang of things, you're technically the king of the world. Like me. 

Yeah, hi. I'm Leo. I lived on the streets for most of my life. Earlier in my childhood, my parents decided that I was a mistake and gave me to an orphanage. I was a very smart kid so I decided to run away. 

I went into an ally and lay there, wondering what I could have been if I stayed. Then, about 14 years later, I still lived on the streets. But, I was a master mind. I could hide from the police when I stole food and other people I don't wanna mention. I've befriended few others that live in the streets or work in shops. But I preferred to be alone. I worked better that way.

I'm told that I act like a kid, which I gladly accepted. I did have my fair share of girlfriends. I actually had lots of them, thanks to my flirting skills. One of them lasted pretty long, I think her name was Calypso or something.

But, eventually, that all stopped. My street territory and all my girlfriends just disappeared one day. 

I had stolen a loaf of bread and a few muffins from a nearby bakery. I ran out of the bakery straight into a police man.

I was arrested. They threw me into the slammer, saying that I was a known criminal. I mean, come on. I only stole a few food items.. Over my 14 years on the streets. Now that I think about it, that's over 1 million pieces of food. I'm proud of myself. 

They eventually let me out of the slammer and I was back on the streets. I didn't know where to go, since my territory was taken by some hobos, but I was gonna go somewhere.

Regular P.O.V

You had walked a long distance and eventually stopped at a town to rest. You leaned against a light pole, your dress ruined and your shoes long forgotten. You dropped your suitcase and looked around you.All you saw were shops, shops, and more shops. You sighed and continued walking. You spotted a bakery and decided to go inside and eat. 

You went to the counter and asked for a muffin. They asked for £1. You looked in your pockets and saw that you brought no money.

"I am dearly sorry, but it seems that I have no money." The man at the counter glared and told you to get out. 

You were desperate for food so did something you shouldn't have done. You grabbed the whole tray of muffins and some loaves of bread and sprint out of the bakery. The man shouted after you and you didn't look back. 

You suddenly heard sirens and your eyes widened. You were running away from the authority.

Leo's P.O.V

I was just leaning against a random wall when I heard sirens. I hadn't stolen anything so I looked around the corner. 

My eyes widened. I saw a lady running at full speed, holding a bunch of food. I call her and motion for her to come next to me. She ran around the wall and stopped. The sirens passed.

I looked at her and asked, "What's with all the food?" The lady looked at me and frowned. "I was hungry and desperate. So, I stole this from a bakery."

I grinned and said, "Well, if it wasn't for me, you would've been arrested." The lady slowly nodded and said, "Yeah, I owe you one." "Then, can I eat some of your food?"

The lady looked up at me and slightly smiled. "Sure." I grabbed a loaf and started eating it. The lady started eating a muffin. 

I swallowed a bite and asked, "Say, what's your name?" The lady looked at and said, "Y/n." I smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Leo."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now